Wings of Eagles

Wings of Eagles

I don’t know about you, but I’m weary. Weary with the never ending negativity of the news. Weary of trying to figure out if mainstream media is lying or telling the truth. Weary of deception . Weary of the propaganda. Weary of social justice warriors. Yet, these...
When Everything is Being Shaken

When Everything is Being Shaken

Everywhere we look we are inundated by bad news. News of death and destruction. News of abuse and victim-hood. News of uprisings and anarchy. News of degradation and deception. Then we are assailed by the reality that what news we see and hear could very well be...
The Sanctity of Marriage

The Sanctity of Marriage

Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled,  for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Hebrews 13:4 We have all been accosted over the last few decades with emerging new ideas of how romantic relationships should...
Our Weakness  –   God’s Strength

Our Weakness – God’s Strength

And it came to pass, when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD because of the Midianites Judges 6:7 For those who are Jesus followers the book of Judges is an interesting read.  The people of God follow him during the appointment of one judge; then rebel...
When God calls out the Warrior in You

When God calls out the Warrior in You

On Sunday I heard a powerful and inspiring sermon about Gideon’s army in Judges chapter 7. As I was already reading through the book of Judges this week I decided that I would spend some extra time getting the scoop on Gideon.Let me give you a little background....