Good News
April 29, 2024

April 29, 2024

Good News

I decided to begin with some encouraging news today, given the plethora of discouraging information surfacing this week.

I travelled to Alberta on April 10th to attend a Provincial Prayer Breakfast in Edmonton where I was able to talk with Premier Danielle Smith.  As I gave her a copy of Ultimate Deception: The Truth of Gender Affirming Care, she asked if I had read the final Cass Review (more on this further down).  It had been released two days prior.  I was surprised she was already on top of this new publication on gender transitioning research.

Edward Graham, son of Franklin Graham, the keynote speaker at the breakfast spoke openly and honestly about his faith and trust in God in the most difficult situations.  Edward served as a Special Forces Army Ranger, completing eight combat deployments and holding several leadership and command positions.

In 2019 Edward left his military career to serve alongside his father, Franklin Graham, at Samaritan’s Purse as Chief Operating Officer. Edward Graham oversees the international and domestic operations of Samaritan’s Purse.



From there I travelled south to Wetaskiwin where I presented workshops on trauma, abuse, pornography, peer attachment and emotional regulation.  I enjoyed my time with these wonderful folks, then headed south to Calgary to meet with several different church leaders before flying home.

The Cass Report

I want to give a short summary of this 388 page report that analyzes the science behind pediatric gender-transitioning treatment.  Cass, a former president of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, was commissioned in September 2020 to conduct an independent, wide-ranging expert review of Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in the UK and make recommendations on how the NHS could improve its services for children and young people.

If you’ve been following me for any length of time you will be aware of the phenomenal increase in UK gender clinic referrals. In 2011-12 there were fewer than 250 referrals to the service; in 2021-22 this had risen to over 5,000 referrals.

The Cass review has brought an end to the era of the highly medicalized approach of gender-affirming care treatment in England. This review is certain to shape the future of healthcare for minors suffering from gender confusion and distress.

The review not only prevents minors from receiving puberty blockers and hormone therapy as routine treatment, but it also strongly discourages social transitioning.

An accumulation of non-evidence-based guidelines, with poor quality evidence have continued to offer strong recommendations to medically transition youth despite that there is no evidence that long term benefits outweigh the harm of medicalization.

The review strongly advocates that parents be involved in the decision, noting that secret transitions cause a rift between minors and their families, and destabilize important support networks essential for young people’s long-term well-being.

Despite the strong evidence in the Cass Review WPATH continues its insidious proclamations and false claims proliferate.

In the US, 23 states have passed bans of pediatric access to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for gender distress. Many are tied up in the courts. The Supreme Court will almost surely settle the matter.1

The Canadian response to Gender care has been “Affirmation Only” since 2015 and the prevailing belief is that the “science is settled.” This belief paved the road for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to be widely provided to gender-distressed children and maintains that a child of any age may be cognizant of their authentic identity.2

We must continue to press on to bring reform within North American educational, psychological and medical associations as we continue to witness events like the following in Illinois:

  • The Wilmette Public Library (Wilmette, Illinois) and the parent-teacher organization at McKenzie Elementary School are co-hosting a seminar to teach children considering cross-dressing, or “sex change” surgery” how to lobby their fellow students to refer to them with different “pronouns.”

The seminar, includes “the co-authors of A Kids Book about Pronouns, Dr. Courtney Wells and Lee Wells.” Lee Wells offers tips to parents on how to speak and not offend gender dysphoric, cross-dressing children. They include eliminating the use of “boys” and “girls,” references to clothing like a “dress” and other “non-inclusive language.”3

  • An advertisement has been running regularly on CBC television for some time now.

Casino Days, the sponsor of the advertisement, has as its theme various individuals whom, as they state, “play with myself“, “I’m playing with myself now,” “I still play with myself,” to site a few examples.  The theme of the advertisement is not so subtle in its intention to parody people who indulge in the practice of masturbation.

This type of parody of such an inappropriate subject matter lowers the bar for all television advertising broadcast standards.  If allowed to continue, one can only imagine what may follow.

It is imperative to state unequivocally that this type of advertisement is highly inappropriate, not just for prime time television viewing, but for any time slot.  Please sign this petition, asking CBC to remove the advertisement.

Armed Forces Wellness Checks?

Wellness checks by Armed Forces! The Canadian Armed Forces will be conducting an emergency exercise in Huron and Bruce Counties.   Soldiers will be going door-to-door and speaking with residents to simulate what would happen if they were asked to check on the well-being of residents during an actual emergency.  These ‘exercises’ are conducted to create a more challenging, realistic training exercise for soldiers.  Soldiers will be conducting firefighting training, simulated search and rescue operations, which it seems are more challenging than ‘normal’ military exercises. Along with this establishing cooling centers, and wellness checks are also deemed challenging!4

As an aside, wellness checks after natural disasters are a routine procedure and as a member of the Billy Graham Rapid Response team we witnessed such procedures carried out by police.  One wonders what exactly the military is trying to prep us for.

QR required!

A Canadian town in the Gulf of St. Lawrence has become the first municipality in the country to officially require a QR code to enter and leave. Officials say that the requirement of a QR code to enter or leave the archipelago Îles-de-la-Madeleine will only be for tourists, while residents will be required to show their driver’s licence to enter or leave.5

This will be the first time in Canada that residents will have to show a driver’s licence to leave a municipality.

Interviews and Podcasts


I have completed a series of 6 podcasts on my book;  Implosion: When the Pendulum Swings too Far. Order your copy of the book here.

Click here to watch the first podcast in the Implosion series.



You will definitely want to watch these two interviews I completed with Dr. Mark Richards, physician consultant to the White House as well as holding leadership positions for national and regional medical and surgical societies.   The information based on his book – Nobody wants you Healthy is life changing!  Order your copy here.

Click here for part 1 of the interview.

Click here for part 2 of the interview.

Coming Up

May 1:            I am excited to be in Toronto filming a documentary on Gender Dysphoria and the rush to transition.

May 5-7          I join friends in Ottawa to attend the National Leadership Dinner and the National Prayer Breakfast after which we are scheduled to meet with Pierre Poilievre.

May 7-9          I will be at the National Foursquare Convention in Niagara Falls, this time joined by my husband who has agreed to man my book table!


On May 23rd 2024 my mother turns 90 years old – well actually young.  She continually amazes me with her energy and agility!  This Picture was taken near her former home near Georgian Beach in Meaford

And speaking of family, our son Matthew had a very positive report from his surgeon and is now beginning physiotherapy and walking extremely well.  We thank God for his recovery.

While life is still very busy, we do manage some time to spend with the two pups Matthew bought in the winter.  I had my concerns about training two pups at once, and they do at times challenge my patience; but they are truly amazing little (soon to be very large) dogs!

Meet Fred and Wilma – just because life has to be fun sometimes!

Onward and Upward,




2. Diane Ehrensaft (Eherensaft, 2017):




Restoring the Mosaic seeks to strengthen Canadian national unity by educating and informing policy-makers, legislators, and educational leaders with clinical research that will assist them to establish programs and policies that allow individuals with crises in identity to recover wholeness.

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