Great Is Your Faithfulness
January 26, 2023
January 26, 2023

“The steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children.” Psalm 103:17

So much is happening I hardly know where to begin.

In my last letter I mentioned 2023 was a year to spread wide the tent pegs; enlarge your tent.  What I didn’t share was what God spoke into my heart directly after reading Isaiah 54.

“Will you be poured out like wine upon the Altar for Me?”

I was really good with the idea of enlargement; not so happy with the exhortation!

The past three weeks have been some of the most difficult of my life.  After a very painful series of events, it didn’t take long for me too feel like my body was melting on the altar.  I felt like there was nothing left to give.  But, I knew I was right where I needed to be, pain and all; in the center of His will for me.

I’m sure many of you have felt the same.




Sunday, January 29th I’m speaking at Trumpet of Truth Ministries in Woodstock Ontario.  If you can’t attend you can always watch online at

Then the next week is very busy with several interviews:

January 30th I am a guest on Legacy Coalition Grand Monday Nights – a program for Grandparents. Here is a short one  and a half minute promo.  I hope you will consider joining me for the program and Q & A.

January 31st 7:000 PM (Eastern) on the Wayne Peter’s show What’s Up Canada – Replacing Mainstream Media Mercenaries (

February 1st I will be Tanya Gaw’s guest on Action4CanadaInterviews and Rally Speeches | Action4Canada

February 3rd I’ll be chatting with my friend Laura Lynn Live Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson (, sharing my story and newest book, Damaged by the Predators Among Us and discussing the outer edges of Gender Ideology.

Then Feb 4- 5th I will at The Met in Ottawa for the Freedom Summit.  Look me up if you are attending.

February 12 – March 22 I will be in the South Eastern United States beginning my book launch and speaking tour.  I still have openings available March 12 through 20th, and a few dates in March.  If you know of a church that would be open to my presentation and/or workshops on Gender Ideology, please let them know.  (flyer attached).


Prolific Writing

I continue writing every chance I get.  Implosion (of the LGBTQ agenda) and Whatever Happened to Emily – (the story of a traumatized young girl who is looking for acceptance ends up transitioning) are currently in the editing and publishing phase as I complete writing Walking Free from the Stronghold of Rejection then move on to my final (I think) book for 2023:  Overcoming the Spirit of This Age.

To give you a taste of what Implosion includes, I’m attaching the draft of chapter 2. CLICK HERE TO READ.  I sent a draft of Whatever Happened to Emily to a former teacher and author of eight children’s books.  This is her comment:

I just finished reading Ann Gillies’ book. It is excellent! It is not only impressive content-wisebut is written in a captivating style.

Often when I am given something to read and critique, I cringe. It is difficult to figure out how to answer when I am thinking, “Oh dear, this is not good writing at all.”  Well, I don’t have that problem here! This is not only excellent writing but it gently conveys so much specific information on this crucial topic.

The style of writing Ann chose is important because youngsters will not read a lecture. But this is an engaging story. Excellently done! 

Ellie Klipp

Home (

I do hope to do a series on Emily in the future as well.  My books are available on or you may order all but Closing the Floodgates directly from me at

Please follow me on Ann E. Gillies | Facebook(10) Ann Gillies Ph.D (@aegillies2) / Twitter; as I continue to fight for truth in the marketplace.

Onward and Upward,



Restoring the Mosaic seeks to strengthen Canadian national unity by educating and informing policy-makers, legislators, and educational leaders with clinical research that will assist them to establish programs and policies that allow individuals with crises in identity to recover wholeness.

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