The Time is Ripe
November 3, 2022

November 2nd, 2022

The Time is Ripe

My soul yearns for you in the night;
my spirit within me earnestly seeks you.
For when your judgments are in the earth,
the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.

Isaiah 26:9




I want to give a huge shout out to all who worked hard up front and behind the scenes to make Friday night’s fundraiser a success. Other than a couple small technical issues our fundraiser went off without a hitch. Marilyn did a great job of MC. Each speaker brought a timely word for the days we live in and Pastor Rene gave a grace filled call for funds. I especially want to thank each of you who responded to this call. May we continue to see this ministry expand and reach the ‘damaged among us’ Bringing truth, life and hope to the ‘prisoners’ locked in darkness.

Damaged by the Predators Among us is well on its way to publication and should be in
hand by Christmas. We will begin a book tour in January, so stay tuned as the reality of
pedophilia is exposed across our nation.

Here are links to the whole evening ; and then a 15
minute segment where I am speaking about our story



I returned from Budapest on November 17th after attending a conference of the International Federation for Therapeutic Counselling Choice. It was an amazing event with people from 27 different countries who are all instrumental in the discussions on LGBTQ activism in their nations.

The presentations by researchers, therapists and former members of the LGB will be available by the end of November and I will post a link to a few of them in a later newsletter. Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Jr. presented his research and his Reintegrative Therapy process which were both in themselves worth the trip across the pond.

It was such a pleasure to connect Father Dr. Paul Sullens; Laura Haynes (Ph.D.); Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Jr.; Dr. Andre Van Mol MD.; Dr. Melvin Wong and Peter Sprigg from the Institute for Research and Evaluation (formerly NARTH). Pictured here are several of the speakers along with our lovely Hungarian guide, Sara.

Our Host Dr. Mike Davidson

The Personal testimony of Pastor Ken Williams, author of the Journey Out was encouraging as well as a call to action. On a walk downtown Budapest Ken came across a currency exchange centre that spoke volumes with its rainbow lettering. Change should be allowed for anyone who wants it, is Ken’s message.

I was privileged to not only attend, but also present. On the opening evening I spoke on Attachment, Trauma and Godly Identity. This teaching turned out to be timely setting the tone for the remainder of the week. While there I was interviewed by a journalist from Hungary.

The work that the IFTCC is doing internationally, and their vision for future growth in truthful education is exciting. I am thrilled to be the Canadian representative for this group.


The Work Continues

This week I will complete the edits for Damaged so that the publisher can move ahead to create the interior design. While this is being done, I will finish the last chapter of ‘Implosion’ and send it for proofing and editing by next week, hoping as well for end of the year publication.

In the meantime I am moving forward with research and the writing of The Annihilation of Humanity.

This book will feature researched chapters on subjects such as Abortion; the Church and faith; Demise of Marriage and Family; Corruption in Education; Media misrepresentation; Big Pharma; the WHO; One World Government and others. Truly this painting says it all. We are facing a time of unprecedented corruption; organized fear mongering; media and political double speak and a population being led as sheep to the slaughter.

When I look at the culture around me I see the effects of a decaying society. I believe there is much truth in the words of the late leader of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum. Rashid once asked about the future of his country, stated:

“My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I ride a Mercedes, my son rides a Land Rover, and my grandson is going to ride a Land Rover, but my great-grandson is going to have to ride a camel again.

“‘Why is that’, he was asked? And his reply was —

‘Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create difficult times. Many will not understand it but you have to raise warriors, not parasites.’

May believers heed the call in these dark days. We need to raise up spiritual warriors. We also need strong men and women to lead the way by example. We must not cave to or live in fear, but rise up in faith.
This being said please join us for the Courageous Faith; Let Freedom Reign tour Friday night in Owen Sound Ontario. You can view the event flyer here:

Only God can spark the lights to push back the darkness we are living in. In the mean time we will continue to stand for truth and righteousness.

Onward & Upward,



Restoring the Mosaic seeks to strengthen Canadian national unity by educating and informing policy-makers, legislators, and educational leaders with clinical research that will assist them to establish programs and policies that allow individuals with crises in identity to recover wholeness.

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