A Year of Increase
December 21, 2023

December 21, 2023

A Year of Increase

2023 has definitely been a year of expansion and I thought the best way to celebrate that was to actually review all that has been accomplished as RestoringTheMosaic.ca has pushed through to bring truth on important issues to Canadians.

The results have been profound as parents across Canada are not only listening but rising up to oppose the sexual agenda destroying our children.  While I have in the past felt like ‘one crying in the wilderness,’ 2023 became the year a chorus arose in Canada, and around the world awakening masses.

Here’s a review of Restoring the Mosaic ministry in 2023:

Books:       I wrote and published three more books.

  • Implosion – When the Pendulum Swings too Far
  • Whatever Happened to Emily (my 1st Children’s book)
  • Ultimate Deception: The Truth of Gender Affirming Care

YouTube:    In 2023 we produced over 30 videos this year; including developing my new podcast:  Truth Talks with Dr. Ann, which began in September.

I joined my friend Jon Uhler and broadcaster Brad Lang in co-hosting https://unmaskingthetransmovement.com where we produced a minimum of two shows a week, interviewing professionals and private individuals to expose the deception of the transgender movement.

Ministry Growth: Because of the growth which Restoring the Mosaic has experienced this year, we have made an ambitious goal of raising $250,000 in 2024. It’s imperative to keep the momentum of this ministry going, and it costs money!

Please take a few minutes to listen to this special video interview with my husband!



I appeared on:

Dr. Ann Gillies and Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson



  • News Forum with Tanya Granic Allen in February


September – https://youtu.be/Jxg03GF5O0E

June – https://youtu.be/n8BpTzkcxVQ

In February I traveled to North Carolina to spend a three day retreat at the Cove – the Billy Graham Conference Centre, then attended a writer’s conference there the following weekend and stopped in to visit Sid Roth ministries before heading to South Carolina to meet and plan future broadcasts with Jon Uhler.

John Uhler

I continued south to spend a week in Florida and visit family.

March – I was privileged to be the plenary speaker for the Billy Graham Police Conference here in Ontario, presenting workshops on the effects of trauma.

In April I was again travelling, this time to Vancouver to promote my newest books, speaking at several different venues, then returned to Ontario to attend and promote a tour by Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi as he joins together educators from around the world to promote The Third Education Revolution. Vishal published the US edition of Truth and Transformation in 2009, and encourages local churches around the world to double up as centers of learning and service, offering tuition-free, internet based college education.  He has also partnered with Dr. Jordon Peterson in producing several videos and subsequently ‘The History of the Bible at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC.

Vishal Mangalwadi



May began with a retreat and networking days in Whitby, Ontario with dear friends and colleagues; followed by speaking at the first Reawakening Conference at Canada Christian College.   Yep, I look tiny on that amazing stage.

Rev. Tom Gardiner & Dr. Ann

May 9-11 I travelled with our pastors to the Foursquare National Convention in Whistler, B.C., connecting with friends I hadn’t seen in some 45 years.  It was like walking back in history.

John Henry Weston & Dr. Ann, Lifesite Gala


June was another month of travel as I spoke at a Life Renewal Conference then headed to Calgary for meetings, presenting on The Ultimate Deception to the Billy Graham staff then preaching at Southside Victory Church.

In July I spoke at an Action4Canada event in Paisley Ontario and attended the Lifesite Gala on July 18th, hearing from some true contenders for faith and justice.

August began two months of planning for the #1Million March 4 Children.

In September I was privileged to speak to more than 10,000 parents in Ottawa at #1Million March 4 Children who are outraged at what is being taught in our public school system.  Just a year ago, we were struggling to even encourage a handful of concerned individuals to engage!

Mumma Bears with Kamel El-Cheikh in Ottawa

While in Ottawa I was also able to meet with three conservative MPs who are also deeply concerned.


October was an exceptionally busy month. I began by speaking about The Danger of Gender Affirmation in both Yorkton and Swift Current, Saskatchewan. Even amidst the LGBTQ backlash more than 300 people attended.

Mid-month both Bob and I were in Texas at Dr. Tony Evan’s church speaking at the Legacy Grandparenting Summit and privileged to meet many other leaders who are rising up to expose the dangers of a radical sexual agenda.

Dr. Ann with Rev. Samuel Rodrigues

Three days later I was on my way to Poland for the annual International Foundation of Therapeutic Counselling Choice (IFTCC) conference where I was once again speaking on trauma and sexuality and connecting with renown researchers; psychiatrists, psychologists, lawyers and pastors who all bring truth to the area of LGBTQ issues.


November began at a conference near Welland, Ontario, for Insight Counselling; then speaking to concerned parents at the Coptic Centre in Mississauga. I also had the opportunity to be part of a documentary being produced on pedophilia which will air sometime next year.

In December I, along with four other international guests spoke in Barbados at the Recover All Symposium.

Rev. Joseph Atherly (former leader of the opposition) and Marcia Weekes conference organizer

(pictured top to bottom)   Glenn Stanton (focus on the family); myself; Philippia Davis (lawyer -Jamacia); Davida Hollman (laywer – Trinidad); Bishop Victor Gill (Pentecostal Pastor – Trinidad)

I continue to be involved in Free 2 Care Ministries and Operation Rise at the board and speaking level.  Bi-monthly meetings for the Third Education Revolution and California Family Counsel continue to be a focus as well as local church involvement.

Please remember to check out my latest Truth Talks interviews on https://restoringthemosaic.ca/podcasts/

Thank you to everyone helping make this a year of success in educating and reaching out to those caught in the devastating grip of a radicalized sexual agenda aimed at destroying the family.  We continue to press forward in 2024 to bring truth and good news to families across Canada and around the world.

In 2024 our goal is to raise $250,000. Your support is instrumental in keeping this message of truth going, and we CAN do this with your help! Please follow the link to donate here.

Your prayers are cherished and donations greatly appreciated.

May you have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2024.

Onward and Upward,



Restoring the Mosaic seeks to strengthen Canadian national unity by educating and informing policy-makers, legislators, and educational leaders with clinical research that will assist them to establish programs and policies that allow individuals with crises in identity to recover wholeness.

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