We Could All Use A Little Good News
October 18, 2023

October 18, 2023

We Could All Use A Little Good News

October 7th began with the news of unimaginable atrocities in Israel.  To even think of the horrific and gruesome murder of babies and young children makes me want to cry.  The utter ruthlessness of these killings and other massacres that day is unthinkable.

I am not as well-versed as many on the conflict in the Middle East; but brutally murdering, raping and kidnapping civilians sounds like reading something from the pages of history.

The fact is that this attack has stirred up tensions across the Middle East and spurred on retaliation and threats of all-out war.  Many civilian Palestinians will be killed along with more Israelis.  I have friends living in both areas so my heart is broken to see what is happening.

Where this will end is anyone’s guess, but we in the West, must not lose sight of the fact that the enemy of our souls wants to annihilate humanity in any way possible and stirring up strife and hatred in our hearts has always been his go to method.


I want to bring you news from my trip to Saskatchewan which was a tremendous success.  After the hit piece published in Swift Current and Yorkton, I contracted lawyer James Kitchen to write Pride organizers Shawn Hanna and Margo Allaire a cease and desist letter. Read letter here. They received the letters prior to my speaking in Swift Current.

Both Wilna van Beek and I were warmly welcomed.  I think this is the best presentation Wilna has ever given.  She is an amazing woman and a wonderful friend. Watch Wilna’s presentation here.

Over 200 attended the Yorkton event. Due to Pride protesting activity in front of the building, some were intimidated and didn’t come in, so there was a smaller number of about 120 in Swift Current. Never the less, both events were well received. Click here for an audio of my speech in Swift Current.

Although I invited protesters to come in and listen, they commented “no, they didn’t need to learn anything!”  We did have a reporter from the Southwest Booster who attended and videotaped the entire evening.  My prayer was that he would not be able to write anything that was not true.  His article was some of the most honest journalism I have encountered from mainstream media in many years!  Read the article here.

Lifesite News wrote a follow up of our event as well. Read the Lifesite article here. I truly believe that as we continue to press in and not stand down to hate-mongering threats, we will begin to see winds of change across Canada and the world. The movement to oppose gender activism in schools is growing | National Post

Drag Queen Story Time

On Sunday, my husband and I joined with a few others in the rain, in Meaford, Ontario to protest adult men in drag reading to innocent children.  I was able to present a short speech. Please watch the speech here.

What’s the Purpose of Drag?

We are not here to spread hate; but we are here to tell the truth. It is loving and kind to tell the children the truth.

  1. Children are a gift and our heritage.
  2. Parents have a responsibility to instruct their children in truth


First of all, parents, children must know truth – how will they know unless someone tells them?  Let’s start with some basics. A drag queen is most often a man who dresses up in women’s clothing, typically for public performance. The clothing and makeup are greatly exaggerated, so the end result is an intentional mockery of women.1

As a professional who has widely researched gender ideology and the eradication of womanhood within the transgender movement, I am deeply disturbed by these men presenting a sexualized and false image of women.

We cannot “unsee” what we experience and children are particularly vulnerable.  Children are like sponges and their brains are malleable.  Rising cultural acceptability does not mean such a performance is wholesome or healthy for children to view.

Drag queens were mostly associated with gay men and gay culture and until very recently they performed in adult-only clubs.  Which, by the way, most people had no problem with – adults are free to do what they want in adult clubs.  We have a problem when this behaviour is presented to our children. In the early 1970s drag was transformed from private stimulation into a public display of rebellion against sexual restraints.  Drag queens promised to disrupt the indoctrination of heteronormativity with “drag pedagogy,” to plants seeds “that subsequently grow to undermine the family, marriage, work…”2

Drag queens, Lil Miss Hot Mess and Keenan explain that drag pedagogy “is all about bending and breaking the rules and artfully desecrating the sacred.  The drag educational goal is about inspiring disruption and disobedience.3 Are parents really okay with this?

Drag theorists admit that talk of inclusion is just a ploy, necessary to gain acceptance.Hot Mess describes the drag movement’s as efforts to “actively destabilize” existing norms of gender and sexuality.5

Drag is intent on arousing and fashioning children’s sexuality. At a practical level, this endeavor involves performing for young children, public facilities such as libraries and schools. Books such as  Bye Bye Binary, The Gender Wheel, The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish, show children how to “live queerly” and heighten young children’s awareness of sexual possibilities.6

Dubbed as just another healthy ingredient in the salad bowl of life — nonthreatening, mainstream entertainers out to generate wholesome fun. But Drag is inherently, and thoroughly, a sexualized project – it is meant to groom children by lowering resistance and normalizing all sexual experience. Lowering resistance – Paves the way for child sexual abuse.  A Key Red Flag indicator of a probable sexual predator is any adult who is eager to gain direct access to your child and to focus on sexuality and sex.

Gayle Rubin, the godmother of queer theory, and a staunch support of Drag, calls for the ‘denaturalization’ of sexuality which refers to the separation of gender from sex.  She also advocates that pedophiles’ behavior should be normalized and legalized. Drag has moved from the adult to children. British pedophile rights campaigner Tom O’Carroll7 states… “being a drag queen, or a drag princess, puts it right out there, in the open for all to see…   “Let’s face it, when a pretty young boy tells the world he is gay and dances sensuously in front of grown men, wearing vampish dresses and makeup; when ‘she’ strips off items of clothing or goes on stage scantily clad right from the off; when dollar bills are accepted as ‘tips’ from an audience apparently wild with excitement; … we are getting far more than just a celebration of gender diversity or an innocent display of precocious performance talent.”

…It says, loud and proud, ‘I am a sexy kid, with sexy feelings.

It’s totally cool for grown-ups to get turned on by me. I love it. That’s why I do this stuff. It’s great. It’s fun. It’s me!’”8

Matt Walsh is right. Pedophilia is being normalized right in front of us—and is being celebrated by activists who believe that this is a step in the right direction.

We must warn parents to keep their children away from drag queens.  Story time is nothing short of grooming.  It’s loving and kind to tell the truth and rescue the children from sexual abuse.  There is simply no logical reason for drag queen story time, any more than for sex workers to engage with youngsters.

Parents need to protect their children; and they need to be free to express their views and values.

These rates of sexual offending definitely speak volumes about the Trans movement.  We must educate parents.  Listen to this 90-second reel of my interview a few weeks ago with Grant Abraham.

I will be using the main points from my Meaford talk to produce another rack card; similar to the one the one below, but bullet points will be of Drag Queen information.

I ordered 1000 of these from Vista Print for a cost of $200.00 plus tax. I’d like to order the same amount with the Drag Queen info, but am asking if you know of anyone who would consider donating to this project.  I will be putting one on each chair at the Coptic Center event on November 16th.

When I handed these out at the Million Person March, people kept coming to ask for more and by the way, they make great book marks.

Please feel free to print the rack cards out and distribute them.

Another item of interest is my podcast Podcast – Restoring the Mosaic.  Audio is followed by video presentations if you scroll down.  It is attracting attention cross-culturally, especially among Muslim and Sikh communities.  It’s a very interesting time for sure as we are planning our follow-up march for children on October 21stwww.handsoffourkids.ca *CANCELLED!* – Hamas and Antifa plan on inciting violence at the March. This will likely happen in the larger cities, but Kamel has cancelled the March across Canada for the safety of parents and children.

This Week

We left for Texas yesterday and we’re looking forward to a full week at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship for the Legacy Grandparenting Summit. Fellow presenters include Dr. Tony Evans; Larry Fowler; Crawford Loritts; March Yarbrough; Walt Mueller; Kathy Koch; Mike Singletary; Jerry Foster; Hal Habecker; Samuel Rodriguez; Jean and Jeremiah Castille; and Mark Gregston.  This is going to be a summit to remember.

Up and Coming Events

Poland:         October 24-29          IFTCC conference

Welland:       November 4th            Insight Biblical Counselling Conference –

70 years of Sexualization   

Mississauga November 16th   The Ultimate Deception: Learning the Truth About

Gender-Affirming Care – Go to event here.

Increasing Costs

My website has been totally renovated and is now live Restoring the Mosaic.  I encourage you to check it out.  Truth talks with Dr. Ann is gathering a good following even though I just started it six weeks ago.  Hosting and producing this as well as maintaining media platforms has increased my monthly expenses significantly.  If you are able to donate to this on a monthly basis it would be greatly appreciated.

My mission, as always is to educate, inform, and protect our children.


Onward and Upward,



[1] The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
[2] History Tells Us Drag Queen Shows Have a Revolutionary Agenda to Overturn Sexual Norms – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
[3] IBID
[4] IBID
[5] IBID
[6] IBID
[7] Pedophilia advocate trumpets “drag kids” as a victory for his cause (thebridgehead.ca)
[8] https://thepostmillennial.com/cbc-continues-to-promote-drag-queen-story-hour-amidst-a-global-pandemic

Restoring the Mosaic seeks to strengthen Canadian national unity by educating and informing policy-makers, legislators, and educational leaders with clinical research that will assist them to establish programs and policies that allow individuals with crises in identity to recover wholeness.

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