Bullies and Butchers
May 29, 2024

May 29th, 2024

Bullies and Butchers


I stated in my book, Ultimate DeceptionThe Truth of Gender Affirming Care (2023) that it’s time to stop the tidal wave of children being bulldozed onto the medicalization conveyor belt and present the unadulterated truth on everything ‘affirming.’

After years of continuous attempts to silence dissidents of Gender Affirmation Therapy, the reality of this abusive practice is surfacing across the world. A study released last week1 showed the evaluated of suicide or self-harm associated with gender affirmation procedures.

The results are horrifying but definitely not a shock to those of us who have be shouting foul from the rooftops for over a decade. The study found that individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not.

Gender-affirming surgery is significantly associated with elevated suicide attempt risks, underlining the necessity for comprehensive post-procedure psychiatric support.2

I would add here the necessity of pre-procedure psychoanalytic care and psychotherapy for these individuals. Surgery is not the answer for issues of the mind.

While surgery is definitely not the answer, the numbers of children going under the knife is growing. The number of gender-affirming surgeries done in the United States nearly tripled between 2016 and 2019.3

The study also identified the prevalence of ‘transgender individuals’ in the US at approximately 0.3%- 0.6% of the adult population.4 This is far less that most of us are led to believe.

This week a panel, set up by the Italian government, is going to examine the use of puberty blockers and Italy’s medical agency will review the use of puberty blockers, claiming it necessary to tackle this issue with a rigorous and evidence-based scientific method!5

This review followed a health ministry inspection of the main center of gender clinic affirmation medicalization in Italy which found that puberty blockers were given to children as young as nine, without psychological intervention or care.

The Italian review sounds very much like the UK Cass report which uncovered similar nefarious practices (or should I say medical abuse). The fact that the vast majority of children outgrow gender confusion should be encouraging.

Researchers in the Netherlands tracked more than 2,700 children from age 11 to their mid-twenties.6 Individuals with gender non-contentedness were more often were female and was associated with a lower global self-worth, more behavioral and emotional problems, and a non-heterosexual sexual orientation.

Gender non-contentedness, while being relatively common during early adolescence, in general decreases with age and appears to be associated with a poorer self-concept and mental health throughout development.7

We know from previous research that as many as 88 percent of gender-dysphoric girls and as many as 98 percent of gender-dysphoric boys in generations previous to 2010 desisted if allowed to go through natural puberty.8

But just as countries around the world are awakening to the abuse of our children, Canada and the US continue on their headlong course to push children over the cliff of ‘gender diversity’.

Boy Scouts Organization Cave to Bullying

Boy Scouts of America announced last week that it will rebrand itself as ‘Scouting America’ in a bid to reflect “the organization’s ongoing commitment to welcome every youth and family in America to experience the benefits of Scouting”.9

What exactly are they saying? Well, it’s time for Boy scouts to go gender (aka sex) neutral! Yep. No longer Boy scouts.

The youth organization said the new name is meant to help everyone, including boys and girls, feel welcome.  But welcome to Boy Scout scandal.

More than 7,800 of Boy Scout’s former leaders were involved in sexually abusing children under their charge – about 2,800 more leaders than previously known publicly. The Boy Scouts identified more than 12,000 alleged sexual abuse victims, from 1944 through 2016.10

A Canadian incident highlights the cover-up of homosexual abuse:

Boy Scouts of America leaders knew for years about incidents involving a Canadian pedophile who preyed on boys in the U.S. but failed to stop him as he moved back to Canada, where he continued his abuse. The organization sometimes even helped him go undetected by authorities.11

Scouts Canada learned of his inappropriate behaviour in the 1980s and kicked him out, but nearly a decade passed before police charged him with crimes.12
Court records show that Turley took scouts on camping trips once or twice a month, often luring boys to his tent by offering warmth or comfort. In his Victoria home, stocked with ice cream, candy, alcohol and porn, he entertained an endless number of boys, including scouts.13
Remember folks these are reports of homosexual pedophilic behavior or as the LGBTQ community called it: Man boy love. The LBGTQ slogan of love is love muddies the waters so that we now celebrate ‘all love’ inclusively.

Construction Begins on LGBTQ2S+ National Monument in Ottawa

Not only does Canada begin a season of celebrating all things LGBTQ on June 1st but we now have a LGBTQ+ Monument being raised on a portion of land behind the Supreme Court of Canada.14

Minister of Canadian Heritage Pascale St-Onge, centre, and Michelle Douglas, Executive Director of the LGBT Purge Fund, left, shovel dirt in the air during a ground breaking ceremony near the future site of Thunderhead: Canada’s 2SLGBTQI+ National Monument, in Ottawa, on Wednesday, May 1, 2024. (Justin Tang/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Given the high level of abuse within this community is this something we really need to be promoting? Perhaps funding would be much better allocated to help the survivors of sexual abuse.

Raising Awareness

On-Line Harms Bill

It is important to keep in mind Bill C-63 tabled before the House of Commons on Feb. 26. This bill allows people to report others to a provincial court judge out of fear that they may commit a hate crime in the future. It also seeks to add a new stand-alone hate crime offence applying to all existing offences, and add the provision of “fear” that someone may commit a hate crime in the future as well as increasing penalties for hate crimes.15

“Most of the bill is aimed at restricting freedom of expression. This heavy-handed bill needs to be severely pared down to comply with the constitution,” stated CCF Executive Director Joanna Baron.16

WHO Pandemic Agreement

The World Health Assembly (WHA) pandemic agreement and international health regulations was expected to be voted on by month’s end, but is now on hold as several countries are questioning concepts as the proposed treaty has come under fire.

The UK government has pulled support the agreement as currently drafted. “Under no circumstances will we allow the WHO to have the power to mandate lockdowns,” said Andrew Stephenson, minister of state in the Department of Health and Social Care.

In a letter to Canada’s minister of health, MP Leslyn Lewis stated that Canadian delegates would be “acting outside the scope of their authority to even consider any of the tabled IHR amendments at the WHA.”17 Lewis is firm in her belief that this is an “extremely serious matter of national concern”.18

I believe we should all be concerned with the overreach of all global organizations.


Light in the Darkness

Thankfully there is light in Canada. I recently returned from the 59th Annual National Prayer Breakfast in Ottawa. The event breathed new hope for a renewed spiritual awakening across Canada. This was the largest gathering since its inception, with an attendance of 1,300 and I would say … we had church that day!

Special music was provided by Natalie Grant and her husband Bernie Herms, but it was so much more than that. Natalie led worship!

The entire crowd stood and sang, many with hands lifted up to God.

Organizer, MP Richard Bragdon did a great job of setting the tone. (pictured here with MP Ted Falk).

And Reverend Dr. Wendall Gibbs, chaplain of the Toronto Metropolitan police force gave a rousing 7 minute prayer. Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nouJz9rkG9w

Guest speaker, Anu George Canjanathoppil, CEO of International Justice Mission Canada, spoke personally and profoundly of the fight to free young women from sex trafficking. Her courage and compassion was challenging and inspiring.

One of the most profound moments came from a video produced by the bible society as we collectively remembered our Canadian Christian heritage. Watch here: https://biblesociety.ca/faith-that-shaped-nation?utm_source=in-person&utm_medium=event-presentation-slide&utm_campaign=2024-national-prayer-breakfast

I was excited to see MP Cathay Wagantall and her sister Charlene Nightingale of Saskatchewan and meet with other cherished friends.

I had a good conversation with MP Bragdon and presented Damaged by the Predators Among Us to him.

Coming this Fall

I have been invited to speak at the 10th Annual IFTCC Conference in Europe, October 15-20th. Although lodging and meals are provided I am required to pay my airfare.

My plan is to make this trip overseas count for much. I hope to meet with author and fellow advocate Gabriele Kuby, in Germany, prior to the IFTCC conference. After the conference I plan to meet with a film producer from Istanbul.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR – June 3rd is National “Keep Your Kids Home from School Day” in protest of LGBTQ indoctrination.

There have been several requests for me to return to Kenya so this is also in the planning stages. If travel plans come together I would spend a week teaching In Kenya.

This would take me away from home most of October, which I am prepared to do if funding is raised to cover costs.

Please prayerfully consider committing financially to this project.


Onward and Upward,



1. Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery – PMC (nih.gov)


3. National Estimates of Gender-Affirming Surgery in the US | Obstetrics and Gynecology | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network


5. ‘The Butchers And Liars Were Murderously Wrong’: New Study Finds 12-Fold Higher Suicide Risk For People Who Had Gender Surgery | The Daily Wire

6. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-024-02817-5


8. American Psychological Association (2013)

9. http://Boy Scouts of America announces rebrand to ‘Scouting America’ | CNN

10. IBID

11. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/scouts-failed-to-stop-sexual-predator-cbc-investigation-1.1043966

12. IBID

13. IBID

14. https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/construction-begins-on-lgbtq2s-national-monument-in-ottawa-1.6868879

15. https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/punished-for-hate-crimes-someone-fears-you-might-commit-lawyers-spot-red-flags-in-online-harms-bill-

16. https://theccf.ca/ccf-concerned-by-online-harms-act/

17. https://x.com/LeslynLewis/status/1789254144127025443/photo/1

18. https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/punished-for-hate-crimes-someone-fears-you-might-commit-lawyers-spot-red-flags-in-online-harms-bill-

Restoring the Mosaic seeks to strengthen Canadian national unity by educating and informing policy-makers, legislators, and educational leaders with clinical research that will assist them to establish programs and policies that allow individuals with crises in identity to recover wholeness.

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