Addressing the Elephant in the Room
August 8, 2022

Addressing the Elephant in the Room

August 8th, 2022

Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth,
and thick darkness the peoples;
but the LORD will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.

Isaiah 60:1-2

I hope that each of you is getting the opportunity to enjoy some well-deserved summer sunshine and most importantly – rest.  May the light of the Lord shine through each one of us wherever we are and whatever we are doing.


Making the Most of Every Opportunity


As many of you are aware, I was able to attend a conference in Lake Charles, Louisiana in late June, called the Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution.  I would say that this was probably one of the most important conferences I have attended.  I had the wonderful opportunity to meet and talk with top researchers in the field of sexual orientation, gender identity and vulnerable children.  Many of these individuals have agreed to interviews that I will be hosting this fall and winter.

During this trip I also had opportunity to tour and meet staff at Sid Roth ministries.  I chose to drive to Louisiana and then North Carolina to avoid airline congestion and have greater flexibility, and put nearly 10,000km on my car.  For me this time of driving was also a time of quiet reflection and regeneration.


Encouraging News

Just last week exciting news came out of England that the iconic Tavistock Gender Clinic will be shutting down due to poor evidence, risk of harm and operational failures.  An independent review condemned the clinic as “not a safe or viable long-term option” because its interventions are based on poor evidence and its model of care leaves young people “at considerable risk” of poor mental health.  The UK now follows lessons learned from Sweden and Finland.

This decision is long overdue, after Dr. Michael Biggs uncovered the Gender Identity Development Service’s experiment with puberty blockers which the clinic had suppressed because the outcomes were not positive. He published the first analysis of the psychological functioning of adolescents in the experiment, and subsequently used the experiment’s data to measure the negative effects on bone density. and several others exposed the discrepancies of so called ‘reliable research’.

Over the last several years over 35 psychiatrists and psychologists have left the Tavistock clinic.  Many complained about the aggressive push to put children on puberty blockers and hormone therapy rather than deal with underlying mental health issues.

This move is a validation for those who have been shouting out about lack of research and proper care for these children.  Unfortunately, Canadian children are still being funneled into ‘affirmation only’ service, particularly after the passing of Bill C-4 which criminalizes anyone challenging the affirming narrative.


One a Global Front – World Pride 2023 Despite Monkey Pox ‘Emergency’.

Monkey pox has been declared a “global health emergency” by the World Health Organization. States of emergency have been declared in New York, California and Illinois, where case spikes have conspicuously followed “pride month” celebrations. Having recorded over 40 cases, Australia has likewise declared a “communicable disease incident of national significance” over the virus.

As reported by the Sydney Morning Herald, the best explanation for this year’s explosion of cases traces the epidemic back to gay raves in Belgium and Spain. These included the Darklands fetish festival in Antwerp and a Pride event in the Canary Islands.

This report has been met of course, with outcries of discrimination by the LGBTQ population.  No one wants to talk about the ‘elephant in the room… TRUTH.’ What if promiscuous behaviour itself, whether heterosexual or homosexual—is wrong? Is there room in the discussion for this inconvenient possibility?

The Washington Post  quoted gay health activist Nicholas Diamond, who explained:

We just were maybe seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of the Covid-19 pandemic, and looking forward to a slutty summer, and we now have to deal with monkeypox and a government that really fumbled its response without learning the lessons of covid-19. So everyone’s tired. And it is hard to talk about anything when you’re worried if your last hookup was going to get you sick.

It is high past the time to address the truth of the hook-up mentality and the inescapable reality of infectious disease transmission.  Perhaps monkey pox will be a catalyst for many to curtail their promiscuity.


Coming Up

I will be speaking at New City Church in Brantford August 28th and then travelling to Calgary September 21 to 28th to participate in presentations by and hope to connect with many western friends during this time.


Damaged by the Predators Among Us

This book has gone through several edits and I now believe that we are ready to publish.  I have not settled on a publisher as yet, although I am favouring a US one as they are more likely to stand up against bullying from the LGBTQ activists.

Here is one of the tremendously encouraging endorsements I have received so far:

 “Damaged by the Predators Among Us” is overwhelming! This book is skillfully written for easy reading, which softens the blows of the staggering stories of abuse at the hands of the highly damaged people who prey upon others, particularly defenseless children. So much hurt experienced by one extended family, including unbelievably dismissive and/or hurtful authority figures, courts and schools included. Eye-opening, shocking, tear and anger provoking, “Damaged” also provides accounts of hope and healing while managing to give some laughs and joy along the journey.

Andre Van Mol, MD
Board-certified family physician
Co-chair, Committee on Adolescent Sexuality, American College of Pediatricians
Co-chair, Sexual and Gender Identity Task Force, Christian Medical & Dental Association

I decided that I would give you a video preview of one chapter of this book – The Last Taboo!



Operating Costs

I am preparing to continue to produce videos this fall.  To do this more effectively and professionally will be upgrading my computer, office and lighting.  The cost to do this is approximately $5,000.00.   On-going web-hosting and newsletter expenses are approximately $250.00 per month.

If you would consider contributing to these expenses, it would be very appreciated.


Onward & Upward,



Restoring the Mosaic seeks to strengthen Canadian national unity by educating and informing policy-makers, legislators, and educational leaders with clinical research that will assist them to establish programs and policies that allow individuals with crises in identity to recover wholeness.

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