Truth Wins
February 13, 2023
February 13, 2023

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
 they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:22-23

 Get Prepared

In January, my friend, Mathew Gresh from Malta, was charged with promoting conversion therapy.  “What did he do?” you might ask.  He simply shared his story of leaving a homosexual life, to serve Jesus wholeheartedly.

Here is a short clip (CLICK HERE) from the steps of the court house where Mathew Gresh was attending a hearing.



‘Conversion Therapy’ (CT)

As most of you will remember, I spent three years fighting against the CT ban across Canada. I did this because I had given 30 years to the research and study of LGBT.  I know many who have left their homosexual, lesbian, or “bi” identities and/or behaviors, in favor of realigning with a biblical ethic in their sexual identity.

Even so, since December 2022, this is no longer allowed.  You can be any identity you desire, unless your desire is to return to a heterosexual life.  Although our government refuses to believe the desire to change happens, here’s a Hollywood redemption story aired on Eric Metaxas’ show. (CLICK HERE)  Let’s remember: NOTHING stops God; even government opposition.

But let’s consider for a moment, the true conversion happening in North America. I hope you will take time to read this powerful testimony by a woman who was recently fired from her job at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.  I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle.

And, this just in…Tampa’s ‘conversion therapy’ ban ruled unconstitutional by federal appeals court.


Recent Interviews

When I felt moved to read Isaiah 54 on January 2nd, I had no idea what was going to happen over the course of a month.

Enlarge the place of your tent,
stretch your tent curtains wide,
do not hold back; lengthen your cords,
strengthen your stakes.”
Isaiah 54:2

One thing I have learned over the years, is to never underestimate what can happen when we choose to trust God in all things.

I have been in a writing phase that I have never experienced before.  Not only is word getting out about my book Damaged by the Predators Among Us, but this week alone I have done eight interviews. Be careful what you wish for! Links to a couple of the shorter interviews are included here.

Action4Canada –

Jon Uhler  –

Jon Uhler and I are joining forces to develop a professional platform; addressing all sexualization of children issues facing us.  We now have a professional broadcaster handling all technical areas – thank God!  I will be preparing online workshops as well as doing interviews.

Hitting the Road

I leave Tuesday for a 5 week book launch tour in the United States. It begins with a two-day spiritual retreat at The Cove, Billy Graham’s conference center in Ashville, North Carolina, followed by a Christian writer’s conference.  After this, I have a couple of meetings in North Carolina, before arriving in South Carolina to meet with Jon Uhler.

If you listened to the link above, you will notice that Jon and I are going to do regular broadcasts on “The Trans Movement” and generally on LGBT and the sexual agenda of our age. Along with this, I will begin doing workshops on my Restoring the Mosaic website when I return.

Meetings are now being arranged in the lower mainland of British Columbia in April. A friend recently commented to me that there is no moss growing under my feet.

I will also be speaking at the Greht Canehdian Awehkening Conference at Canada Christian College in Whitby, May 5, 6.  I encourage you to attend. It will be a packed house.

 Further Down the Road

I am praying about attending the Foursquare Annual Convention in British Columbia, May 9-11. I have yet to make a decision on this.

In June, I plan to head west with Bob, promoting books and speaking in the Winnipeg/Regina area, plus in Calgary and Edmonton.

I will be in Ontario all of July and August, and then head to the East Coast in September.

Wonderful News

This week I contacted a lady (a granny with techie skills!) who has agreed to review, revise and update all my Powerpoint presentations from the last 15 years.   I am hoping she will agree to also reorganize thousands of my research documents – a massive job to say the least.

Prayer Needs

Here are some items to consider for February and March:

  1. Safe driving as I head south and smooth border crossings
  2. Successful speaking engagements
  3. Strategy meetings with Jon and Carrie Uhler, as I stay at their home for a few days
  4. Completion of publishing Implosion by the end of February or early March
  5. Completion of publishing Whatever Happened to Emily by the end of March
  6. The writing of Walking Free from the Stronghold of Rejection

Thank you all again, for your wonderful generosity and commitment to making the truth heard in Canada and beyond.

Onward and Upward,



Restoring the Mosaic seeks to strengthen Canadian national unity by educating and informing policy-makers, legislators, and educational leaders with clinical research that will assist them to establish programs and policies that allow individuals with crises in identity to recover wholeness.

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