The Dog Days of Summer
August 23, 2024

August 23rd, 2024

The Dog Days of Summer

Heating Up Scholastically and Politically

The dog days of summer may be coming to an end, but things are just heating up scholastically and politically in both Canada and the USA. I encourage you to check out the websites and mark the dates of upcoming events. Just in time to kick off the school year Scholastic comes out with books to sell your child on the DEI delusion.

Parents Beware: Scholastic’s “Read With Pride” –
They’re Coming for Your Kids!

Hold onto your hats, parents—Scholastic has officially crossed the line! Just in time for the new school year, they’ve rolled out their ‘Read With Pride’ campaign, proudly pushing LGBTQIA+ books for kids and teens. That’s right—this isn’t just about reading; it’s about selling your kids on a rainbow-colored ideology.

Let’s get real for a moment: this isn’t about diversity, it’s about indoctrination. Scholastic, the same company that used to bring you innocent book fairs and classics like Clifford the Big Red Dog, is now in the business of shaping your child’s beliefs with stories that celebrate everything under the LGBTQIA+ sun. If you think this is just about letting your child explore different viewpoints, think again. It’s about steering them towards a very specific agenda, one book at a time.

Why You Should Care

Because your child’s innocence is on the line. These books aren’t just harmless stories; they’re packed with themes that are all about normalizing lifestyles and beliefs that you might not agree with—and they’re targeting your kids on purpose. Scholastic isn’t just selling books, they’re selling an ideology. And they’re doing it right under your nose.

Time to Get Savvy, Parents!

Wake up and smell the agenda. It’s more important than ever to know what’s in those book bags. Don’t just trust that Scholastic has your child’s best interests at heart—because clearly, they have something else in mind. Check out the ‘Read With Pride’ list yourself and see what they’re trying to push on your kids. And if you’re not comfortable with what you find, it’s time to speak up and take a stand.

For the full scoop on what’s being peddled to your kids, take a look at Read With Pride. But be ready—you might not like what you see. Read With Pride (

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

I’m excited to share some incredible events where I’ll be taking speaking over the next few months. These aren’t just speaking engagements—they’re dynamic opportunities to connect with communities, spark meaningful conversations, and dive deep into some of the most pressing issues of our time. Mark your calendars, because you won’t want to miss these! Here’s where we’ll be making waves together:

Monday, August 26th – Carlsruhe, Ontario

  • Topic: The Queering of Society: A Critical Examination

Buckle up, because tonight we’re diving deep into a topic that’s shaking up our world faster than a TikTok trend gone viral—The Queering of Society. That’s right, we’re not just tiptoeing around this issue; we’re jumping in headfirst to critically examine how drag culture and queer theory have evolved from fringe movements to mainstream phenomena that are now influencing everything from school curriculums to religious teachings.

What used to be confined to the hidden corners of nightclubs and academic ivory towers is now parading down Main Street, celebrated in classrooms, and even welcomed into some churches. But here’s the kicker—what’s being sold as inclusion and diversity might just be a smokescreen for something far more radical.

So, let’s strip away the glitter and glam, and take a hard look at what’s really going on. We’ll explore how these movements have not only redefined gender and sexuality but have also challenged the very fabric of our societal norms. And trust me, by the end of this presentation, you’ll be asking yourself some serious questions about the direction in which our society is heading.

Check out this article I wrote on the same subject:

Hands of Our Kids Event

Date: September 20th, 2024

Location: Ottawa, Canada

Join me at the Hands of Our Kids event, where we will gather to advocate for the protection and well-being of our children. This event is crucial in promoting awareness and action within our communities.

Esther’s Arise

Date: October 12th, 2024

Location: Ottawa, Canada

Esther’s Arise is an empowering event focused on rising and making a difference in our communities. I’ll be sharing my thoughts on how we can harness our collective strength to create impactful change.

10th Annual IFTCC Conference 2024

Date: Mid-October 2024

Location: Eastern Poland

I am honored to be part of the 10th Annual International Federation for Therapeutic and Counseling Choice (IFTCC) Conference. The theme this year is “Reconnecting Sexuality and Gender: Attachment, Purpose, and Community.”

This conference will feature a distinguished lineup of speakers, including:

  • Dr. Laura Haynes – Retired Psychologist and Researcher, USA
  • Agnieszka Marianowsicz-Szczgiel – Psychologist, Poland
  • Dr. Lisa Noland – Sex Historian, UK
  • Victor Novitchi – Co-Director, X-Outloud, UK
  • Dr. Jennifer Roback-Morse – President of the Ruth Institute, USA
  • Dr. Christopher Rosik – Psychologist and Researcher, USA
  • Bryan Shen – Professional Counselor, Singapore
  • Glenn Stanton – Focus on the Family, USA
  • Dr. Paul Sullins – Leader in Same-Sex Parenting Research, USA
  • Marcia Weeks – Artistic Director of Praise Academy, Barbados
  • Elizabeth Woning – Pastor and Director of Advocacy and Government Affairs, CHANGED Movement, USA

This conference will be a profound opportunity to delve into critical discussions around sexuality, gender, and the importance of community. I look forward to contributing to these important conversations and sharing insights from my work.

Kingdom Summit

Date: November 2024

Location: Calgary, Canada

In November, I’ll be heading to Calgary once again to speak at the Kingdom Summit. This summit is an excellent chance to connect with like-minded individuals dedicated to making a positive impact in our families, churches and culture.

Stay Connected

As I travel and speak at these incredible events, I invite you to stay connected. Follow my journey through , where I’ll be sharing updates, insights, and reflections on these events and more.

Together, we can continue to make a difference in our communities by advocating for truth.

Onward and Upward,


Restoring the Mosaic seeks to strengthen Canadian national unity by educating and informing policy-makers, legislators, and educational leaders with clinical research that will assist them to establish programs and policies that allow individuals with crises in identity to recover wholeness.

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