Episode # 16
The Hidden Realities of LGBTQ Education | Chanel Pfahl, Part 2 – Truth Talks with Dr. Ann
December 18, 2023

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Truth Talks with Dr. Ann
Truth Talks with Dr. Ann
The Hidden Realities of LGBTQ Education | Chanel Pfahl, Part 2 - Truth Talks with Dr. Ann
In this episode Dr. Ann interviews Chanel Pfahl about LGBTQ indoctrination in public schools. They discuss how schools are teaching children about transgenderism and other LGBTQ concepts and the secrecy surrounding these teachings.
Chanel is a former high school educator. She uses her online presence to champion truth while challenging critical race theory and LGBTQ indoctrination.
Follow Chanel on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ChanLPfa
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See Podcast Transcript

Dr. Ann (00:13):

Welcome to Truth Talks with Dr. Anne. Thank you for joining us today. We have the second interview with my friend Chanel Pfahl, and we are going to talk specifically about LGBTQ Indoctrinations in our public school system, not only public schools, but Catholic school system as well. And so welcome Chanel. We’re going to do this deep dive and I’m going to get you to explain some of the things that we’re going to see on a PowerPoint presentation as we go. Okay. So

Chanel Pfahl (00:50):

Interesting. I’ve never done this before, so I’m looking forward to seeing what examples you’ve pulled out and it should be interesting.

Dr. Ann (00:59):

It’ll be great. It’ll be great. So, first of all, we just finished in November, Trans Visibility Week, and so this slide is all about pride, but most specifically about the transgender phenomenon, I would say, and what’s happening and how the recognition of these young children and adolescents, it’s more than just about recognizing them, isn’t it? Tell me what you think this is about.

Chanel Pfahl (01:37):

Well, it’s an ideology that covers itself in rainbows and glitter and acceptance for all. And we’ll give you a safe space to talk about your feelings. We’ll give you free food, we’ll let you out of class and do, it’s just this fun little group that students can join and feel good about themselves. But the reality is though, that they’re teaching these really, really dangerous concepts. For example, the idea that a child can be born a boy and actually be a girl on the inside, it seems like every other day some teachers are reading books to kids, not even in the GSA club, just and that GSA club, I mean Gender Sexuality Alliance. It used to be called Gay Straight Alliance. Now we’ve moved on to gender sexuality.

Dr. Ann (02:26):

I didn’t realize that. I was still calling a Gay Straight Alliance. Oh my. Oh yes, because, yeah, that makes

Chanel Pfahl (02:34):

Sense. And those are even more progressive than that have moved on to Queer Straight Alliance. So, it’s QSA, by the way. Yeah, I mean, it seems like there’s always reading books about this phenomenon and presenting it as if it’s some normal life path that kids can just choose and that it’s completely fine. And it’s often analogized. They’ll take a story of a crayon who’s blue but red on the inside or stuff like that, and then they’ll have a discussion with the kids. Oh, what does this remind you of? Oh, yeah, some people have a different identity on the inside than outside. And then, oh, yes, it’s really, really important that we are able to be ourselves, who we are on the inside. We should affirm these people. These people are powerful and kids get a sense that it’s really virtuous and really just, it’s a really good way to get validation and attention. And I’m not saying this in some kind of, I think it’s a normal thing for kids to get sucked into it, and they might not be doing it because they actually know they’re seeking attention. They might actually just fall into it, but,

Dr. Ann (03:56):

Well, I think you’re right. I think from my perspective and from my research and understanding is that many of these children are already very vulnerable. Many a high percentage. In fact, well over 30% of these children are on the autism spectrum. And all of these children who are gender dysphoric now, see, there’s two things here. There’s gender dysphoria and then there’s rapid onset gender dysphoria, which we are seeing children, mostly girls in droves come out as trans. The true gender dysphoric child has some deep, deep dysphoria on subtleness uneasiness with their sexuality, the sex they were born with. That doesn’t mean that they’re transgender. In fact, transgender is a political term in the first place. But all of those things, and what we see is this targeting almost, well, I won’t say almost targeting ’em of the most vulnerable children and then kind of fast tracking them onto some medicalization, which is very scary and very unhealthy for them. And that’s a concern.

Chanel Pfahl (05:18):

Yeah, I don’t think that these teachers are actually have bad intention. I am not trying to paint them as evil for doing this. I actually understand it very well. I used to kind of have that mindset myself where it was like, oh, well, if this is who the child is, you have this. It’s really worked thinking back. But you get into the ideology very slowly. They start small and then they increase the level of ridiculousness, but you don’t really see it because it’s just so incremental. But basically what they think is that a child is born with a gender soul inside them, like an identity that cannot be influenced by outside influences. So, the teacher, if a teacher’s reading books on transgenderism every day for the whole semester, well, why would that ever impact a child who was not actually transgender on the inside? How could that ever impact? It’s almost like we’ve forgotten completely about the stages of child development. And these are teachers. Exactly. People who should know that children are prone to suggestion and still developing their most basic capacities.

Dr. Ann (06:50):

They’re like, like sponges. Children are just sponges. I mean, their brains and their minds, they just want to learn so badly. Children love to learn and do things, but

Chanel Pfahl (07:03):

Teachers too.

Dr. Ann (07:05):

Yeah. Well, let’s talk about talking about children. Let me go onto the next slide because this is one that I’m not sure if you’ve seen this or not, but basically I just received this. JK, junior kindergarten, children ages two to five are actually receiving LGBTQ curriculum in daycare. This is happening in Kitchener, and I’ve got the Kitchener Ontario, the Rising Oaks Early Learning, and this is really,

Chanel Pfahl (07:51):

Is that picture beside it what was sent to you?

Dr. Ann (07:55):

That picture was sent, actually, this information came from parents as first educators, and this was the picture that went along with that. And it’s like, so here we are.

Chanel Pfahl (08:09):

We actually, something I exposed a year ago, and it’s actually from Nova Scotia, but yeah, I’m not sure. Sometimes things get confused

Dr. Ann (08:20):

And the picture may not be from this group. Oh, it could have been from another class, I’m not sure. But they are having the children, they’re reading books like Worm Loves Worm and the ones that are out there, and of course they probably, and I didn’t see this, but the gender unicorn is used in early grades at school, at public schools, and it’s so easy, I mean, comes as a coloring book and a coloring page. So, for young children it makes sense. So here we are taking the very youngest children now in daycares and putting these suggestions and thoughts into their minds. And so, to me, and I’ve said this for several years, we are trying to change the brains of our children. We’re creating new neural pathways on sexuality that no child and in 5,000 years has had to deal with. And so, this stuff is very scary.


Here’s another one that you sent Chanel. This one, I’m not sure what age the or what grade this was for. It looks like an older grade. So hopefully it says here, this is a safe space and we need to have that come up on the screen. This is a safe space, and then it has tolorating homophobia is homophobia, tolerating transphobia is transphobia. Hate is not an option. So here we have these kind of lines that are just so much part of a rhetoric that we hear all the time, defining homophobia, defining transphobia. What that really is saying is if you have any other thought than what is currently being espoused as far as taught, and that is being part of the narrative, then you don’t belong and that you’re a hater. I don’t know how many times I’ve been called a hater. I am sure that you’ve had that many, many times. In fact, I think not. I don’t know how often this has happened to you, but you’ve been called homophobic yourself, and I’m like, oh, these people don’t have a clue, but they don’t have a clue. So yeah, those are kind of typical. Hate is not an option. So if you disagree, you’re automatically hateful and awful.

Chanel Pfahl (11:28):

Right? Labels have so much power, and as you said, it’s all a language game. It’s all, well, how are we defining these things? If you hate an individual, you actually hate an individual because they’re identifying as trans. Okay, fine. Maybe we can call that transphobia. That’s not something that I would encourage. I would encourage people to have compassion for all individuals regardless of their ideas and their identity and all that stuff. Of course, why not? Well,

Dr. Ann (12:00):

And that’s what we were talking about in the last segment, that when we’re talking about critical race theory and just accepting and caring for people as who they are, and we’re going so far backwards in history, it just seems to me that it’s just all backwards and it’s going backwards at a hundred miles an hour and instead of moving forward, and we were at a much more healthier place prior to 2010. Actually, let me go forward and let’s look at the next one. Okay, so you had posted this one, lesbian, what does it mean? Okay, here we are.

Chanel Pfahl (12:49):

This is an elementary school in Ottawa. Yeah.

Dr. Ann (12:53):

Do you know what grade at all this is?

Chanel Pfahl (12:57):

This is in the hallway of the school. So, it was posted in the primary hallway where there’s junior kindergarten to grade three. It was made by the students in the GSA. So, I believe the students in the GSA were from grade four to six. All of these that you posted so far are all on my Twitter page with more info on the location, the school board, if ever anyone’s that’s wondering about that. But yeah, this was just one of the posters that were made. They had one on bisexuality and then on the poster, oh, is that here? Okay, good.

Dr. Ann (13:34):

I have it here. And I know that they’re on your Twitter page, but I wanted to go through these. So read this to me and help me understand how a grade three or grade four child wraps their mind around this kind of language and how they’re supposed to learn math, science, English when they’re constantly besieged with this kind of stuff.

Chanel Pfahl (14:08):

So, it says, what does lesbian mean? It says it’s a non-male. So maybe like a woman? Aligned, non-male aligned gendered people, whatever that means, who are sexually and or romantically attracted to exclusively non men. Used to be a word for that.

Dr. Ann (14:36):

Yeah, that’d be women, right?

Chanel Pfahl (14:39):

Yeah, kids even discussing this. I didn’t even know what a lesbian was in grade six. Why would I need to know that?

Dr. Ann (14:47):

You don’t. But here we have at least, and I mean, I don’t think I knew what a lesbian was until I was in high school. And did I need to know? Not particularly. I didn’t treat any, I mean, I’m not perfect, but I didn’t treat people differently because I didn’t know. I think it was sometimes easier, but this is like here we have instead of woman, a non-male aligned gendered people.

Chanel Pfahl (15:20):


Dr. Ann (15:21):


Chanel Pfahl (15:23):

Yeah. I think at the end of the day, the big question is who is responsible for teaching kids about this stuff? If you as a parent want to teach your 7-year-old that lesbians exist and what lesbians are, and hopefully you’ll say it’s a woman who’s attracted to another woman and not this kind of craziness, then I guess fine, right? As a parent. But when a school comes in and it develops these, well, not values, but just this information on kids who’s allowing this, why are parents so keen with this? I understand that you want your kid to be inclusive, you want them to include everyone, but there’s a time and place for these things, and school is not the place for learning about sexuality. Why would you even want a grown adult talking about this with your child?

Dr. Ann (16:16):

Exactly. Teachers in my mind have, they should not have this responsibility. Number one, put too much onus on them. But the other thing is, this is the parent and child responsibility. And then look at the facts and myths, because this has to really challenge you. Not all lesbians are women.

Chanel Pfahl (16:41):


Dr. Ann (16:42):

Then they’re all saying fact. So, what does that mean, Chanel?

Chanel Pfahl (16:47):

It means that whoever, I guess what they’re trying to say is that if a woman, or sorry, if somebody doesn’t identify as a woman, so say I say I’m non-binary or I’m trans or gender queer or whatever else I want to label myself, then that makes me not a woman anymore because even though I am a woman, I’m identifying as something else. So that means that whatever I identify as is the reality, and if I’m then attracted to a non-male gender people or whatever, then I would be considered a lesbian. It’s all subjective based on these words that don’t have any meaning anymore

Dr. Ann (17:37):

And confusion. I mean, I read this and I’m thinking, oh my goodness, this is mind boggling. And how are children ever to make any sense of this all and then to say, okay, lesbian is a non-male aligned, so really is a woman romantically attracted to another woman? What saying? And then it says, but not all lesbians are women. So, this goes into the whole issue of the transgender and the lesbian dynamic that is really erupting within the LGBTQ, and you can see why it’s just like women overall are being eradicated, but lesbians are like men. They are in the most vulnerable position, I guess I would say, because this is eradicating womanhood, but also a type of sexuality that there’s some people identify as. So how is this inclusive? It messes with my mind. Well, lemme go on because here we go with bisexuality. What does it mean?

Chanel Pfahl (18:56):

Bisexuality is a romantic or sexual attraction or behavior to toward both males and females or to more than one gender because there’s 183 genders that exist or whatever, or infinity, genders, wherever you call yourself.

Dr. Ann (19:16):

Then whatever you,

Chanel Pfahl (19:18):

I think there was a part on here that said, what is the difference? I can’t actually see the bottom of it, but

Dr. Ann (19:25):

They both, okay, I can see here. Got it on my computer though. They both, well, let me go back here. The bi flag was made in 1998, so it’s relatively new really to increase the visibility of bisexual people among society as a whole. And within the 2SLGBTQ LGBTQIA plus community, though they both have BI in the name. Oh, they can’t spell right. They should be, they are completely different by curious is someone who’s interested in having a sexual experience with a person of the same sex. Alright, and this looks like it’s written maybe. Maybe this is a grade five or six again,

Chanel Pfahl (20:18):

Right? Yeah. This would be, I think it was grade four to six, whoever volunteered to be part of the GSA group. So, I think it would probably be done over lunchtime or something. At least I hope so. I hope it wasn’t done in a class, but either way it’s just as absurd and yeah, it is. Why do kids have to know about the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality? Anyway,

Dr. Ann (20:43):

Well, we’ll go on to that because the next one, and so here we have really the intersectionality going on here, don’t we?

Chanel Pfahl (20:53):

Seven and eight in Hamilton, this is actually one of the most egregious examples of indoctrination, I would say for this age, just how deep it goes into it. And you can see at the top it says, what is your proximity or something to the dominant group? In other words, if you’re white, you’re very, you are the dominant group, you have all the power, therefore you have to just kind of back away, let other people tell you how it is, go along with whatever they say because you have privilege and therefore you’re, I don’t know how, I guess you’re not evil, but you are in some way responsible for keeping systemic racism a reality in Canada or whatever. And they define systemic racism obviously as the existence of racial disparities in groups in certain areas that, for example, oh, if the dropout rate for black kids is higher than for white kids out of school, then that’s systemic racism. Now, if in another school the white kids are being suspended at a higher rate than black kids, then that just doesn’t matter. We’re just not going to talk about that. We’re only going to, we’re going to cherry pick where the racial disparities confirm our theory, and then we’re going to present that as if that’s just the fact.

Dr. Ann (22:39):

And this is kind of putting together also critical race and sexual orientation and gender identity all together kind of what are my social identities? So, this is where I get confused, social identity, this is how I identify socially, but some of these things are who I am a part of, who I am as a person. I can’t change my color. Although when I wrote Implosion, so that was released in January, February of this year, I came home from an event, you would’ve enjoyed this. Anyways, I was speaking at this event in Mississauga and a black man came up to talk with me after lovely man, a teacher in a local school, not a big city school. And he just wanted to share a little bit, and he told me what had been happening in his school pretty recently. And so, another teacher, a white teacher, decided to identify as black, and I think it was grade seven or eight this teacher was teaching.


And so, this teacher came in to the school and into the classroom, his classroom, and told the children he was black. So, this black man standing in front of me, I mean explaining all this to me, and I’ve read stuff, you read that this is a thing in some places, but this is half an hour from where I live in a public school, and here’s a black man standing in front of me. And I said to him, how does that make you feel? I was feeling some stuff, man. I’m like, are you kidding me? And he just kind of looked down at the floor and didn’t speak for 30 seconds or whatever, and I said, can I tell you how I feel? I said, that is one of the most offensive things I’ve ever heard. How, for one, it’s unrealistic. There’s no reality to this, and it maligns who you are.


Talk about racism. I don’t know how you put this in racism terms. I don’t think it’s critical race theory, but it just blows my mind. It boggles the mind. I come home that night and then I woke up early the next morning and thought, I’m going to write a book, another book, and I did on implosion when the pendulum swings too far and when black and Is white and white is black. That was the first chapter. And I kept going on because there were so many things, and this is the kind of stuff, these social identities, and for me, all I could think of why was that teacher not hauled into the office and said, cease and desist, you’re lying to the children. You’re lying and either you stop or you lose your job. And this man did not, I want to clarify this. This man was white, white, white. It wasn’t that he had any multiracial things happening. This was a deliberate, not even an attempt. He deliberately was deceitful and lying to children. And that’s what really, it burns my butt. I’m sorry. I get really annoyed with that kind of stuff. So when I see this slide, I’m thinking, okay, here we are, all these social identities and we are just so confusing our children at so many levels.

Chanel Pfahl (26:47):

Yeah, I think that’s what it is. It’s about kind of blurring everything in order that the child doesn’t feel confident enough to make any judgment whatsoever. They’re stuck in this sort of ocean of craziness where they’re like, okay, well, I just won’t say anything because I might get it wrong. It’s just too complicated and whatever you say, and it’s going to be problematic in some way unless you actually jump in on the ideology and then you decide that you are the one who’s going to sort of correct the other people and be in this perpetual kind of struggle session imposed on yourself. But I mean, that’s what it is. It’s causing this state of confusion and of fear, and so kids just don’t really talk anymore. I even noticed this in my teaching career, and which was only four years long apparently, but at the beginning, I felt like kids were more willing to share their opinions. And by the end fourth year, I was feeling a lot like, well, it seems like kids don’t really want to talk. They don’t want to be wrong, so they just often don’t participate, especially when it comes to their personal opinions and stuff like that. I sense that they were holding back,

Dr. Ann (28:10):

I think so. Well, let’s go to the next slide. One of the things that I think we’re seeing, this just goes along with everything else that we’ve been talking about, but I want people to get an understanding that these are in the hallways of our schools. These are in the classrooms. This is what your child is being inundated with six hours a day. They can’t get away from it. And a 17-year-old boy, I was talking to him a couple weeks ago, his mom, I just met his mom and he was there. We were talking and he just said to me, he walks in his school and every day he is just bombarded, constantly bombarded with everything LGBTQ that he doesn’t want to learn, doesn’t need to learn, and he’s fed up. And I think there’s a whole lot of children like him. I think now that’s the teens.


I think the younger children are when it’s kindergarten age, I mean by the time they get to teens, this is going to be like old hat to them. Although it’s so confusing when we look at it. What I want to say here, when I look at this and when I hear what you said and what I was talking about, the white man declaring he was black, children are no longer safe in the public school system. All this safe spaces, safe places. It is just the opposite of what really is happening. It’s not safe in the school when I went to school, it was safe. I mean, were there bullies? Yeah, there were some bullies around. I remember a friend of mine got punched and he wore glasses and he got his glasses broken. I was so mad that you know what? The bully was taken to the principal’s office and suspended for three days. This was what was happening. Now, just the average day child who doesn’t maybe want anything to do with this and doesn’t join the Gay Straight Alliance or gender Straight Alliance, queer Straight Alliance, whatever we want to call it, they are the ones being bullied. And it’s just so sad. It’s really not safe.

Chanel Pfahl (30:47):

If they think they’ve eliminated bullying, they’re completely blind. What they’ve done is just transition it to a different form. Now it’s online or it’s a kid saying to another kid that they’re hateful because they have the wrong opinion or whatever. And this does happen. The kids are constantly in this struggle session of who’s more moral, who’s more progressive, explaining terms to each other as if that’s kind of a measure of how good you are and how cool you are. And this is cool. Very, I mean, in some schools, I don’t know. I imagine it’s kind of changing now. I think there are some kids who have strong leadership skills who are also fed up and are leading the way towards more rational common sense. Josh Alexander would be a great example of that. And he’s mobilized since in schools. I recently attended, last spring, I attended a student walkout at a Ottawa high school. There’s probably about a hundred kids, I would say, that walked out. And it was over the transgender students entering each other’s bathrooms and a lot of other stuff too. But I talked to a lot of the boys there and he said, look, this isn’t, people often talk about, oh, this is a women’s issue, but we don’t want girls in our bathroom either. And I completely agree with that. I think it affects both sexes.

Dr. Ann (32:15):

It does, it does. And they need to be allowed to speak. Well, when you’re talking, so we’ll go to the next slide because this is just more of the same, but you’re talking about all of the names here. We have all of this stuff, and for parents that are watching and that I’ve been on this educational track, we’ve been looking at getting, how do you get your children out of the public school system? Because now you may disagree with me, Chanel, but I and several others who belong to large groups internationally looking at reformation and education, we don’t believe that the public education can be changed from the inside out. It’s gone too far. So, then we see this kind of stuff, and this is why it’s so important for parents who still have their children in public schools at even some Catholic schools and some other Christian schools, to know what is being presented and to be aware. And when you say, well, it’s not being taught, it’s not being taught in my child’s classroom, well, you can believe that it’s being presented throughout the entire school, and if your child’s classroom is safe from it, it’s because the teacher has made a very difficult choice. And how long they can keep making those choices not to present this stuff is there’s very few teachers that that can actually stand against it. And if they do, they’re liable to lose their job. Most often.

Chanel Pfahl (33:59):

There is some leeway, as you say, some teachers will try to stay away from it as much as possible. Others will go full force. But even the teachers who don’t want to teach this stuff, their kids are still going to be exposed to it. Let me tell you a couple ways. Hallway propaganda like we see here. This is an elementary school. I can’t remember exactly. I think it was, I dunno. I don’t know where. I think it was in the peel board though. But yeah, so hallway propaganda, you’d have the morning announcements that are constantly, they start with the land acknowledgement that takes probably five minutes of their day or whatever. Then they’ve got all the announcements for the gay club. I know there was a school in Ottawa last year that for June, the Pride month, which I’m surprised has not been extended to pride year yet because that’s what it seems like it’s become, but every day they would explain terms, like they’d say, oh, what is a lesbian? And then this particular school also defined a lesbian as a non-male, by the way. And they read this over the intercom to all the students in the school.


What else? You have guest speakers come in often paid

Dr. Ann (35:21):


Chanel Pfahl (35:22):

A lot. These people have the greatest incentive ever to just shut up, go along with it, and go on five vacations a year to wherever they want and not have a care in the world because the money is there and the board is just happy to fund them.

Dr. Ann (35:42):

The government is funding it. Well, and so in our area, very rural Ontario, last spring, we had the Get Real movement come to about five schools in our region. Well, I kind of blew the whistle on it, and parents started really waking up to what was going on. The school board superintendent has called me dangerous.

Chanel Pfahl (36:08):

Is this John dance? Or

Dr. Ann (36:11):

I’m sorry,

Chanel Pfahl (36:11):

Is this the superintendent? Is it John Dance or No?

Dr. Ann (36:16):

Oh no, it’s a woman. Anyways

Chanel Pfahl (36:19):

That you’re,

Dr. Ann (36:19):

It’s in in Great Bruce, the Blue Water School Board. Yeah. Anyways, but the reality is that this stuff is just these people, and there’s several of them that come in the group and they get paid big bucks, like you said, to come and present. And so what I was told by children, and so this is secondhand information from children in grade six, seven, and eight, but it’s actually almost third hand, so take it for what it is. But I don’t think they were lying that they were all required to go into the gymnasium and no one was allowed to leave even to go to the bathroom. They weren’t allowed to go to the bathroom. They had to sit through the entire presentation on, I’m a lesbian and here’s what I do. I don’t know what they got into because we aren’t allowed to know. And not only that, some of the parents grandparents went to the school to go in and to ask if they could go in, and they said, the principal told them, this is a non-curricular event, and no, you’re not allowed to come in to watch. And I’m like, I’m fuming by this time fuming. This is public school system that we pay taxes. You know what people, we need to stop it. I don’t know how we’d do that. But anyways, we need to stop sending our kids to this stuff. And our government is providing all of these finances for these people and drag queens and everything else to come and read to your children and talk to your children. What parent would let a stranger talk to their child about sexuality?


Crazy. Right? Completely

Chanel Pfahl (38:15):

Nuts. I was going to say something you were talking about. Oh boy, I think I forgot. But

Dr. Ann (38:23):

It’ll Come back.

Chanel Pfahl (38:24):

Yeah, it’ll come back later. Yeah, there’s all kinds of things. Even virtually, they’ll meet with students after school. I know the Peel board recently had this announcement for grade six to eight students to meet with this guy. He’s a social worker or something. His name is Todd. And it was just like, oh, well come. It was during lunch too, by the way, or something like that. So, students would be able to join without their parents necessarily knowing, and they get to talk about exploring their gender and issues at home. They can talk about their issues with their parents and stuff like that. And I exposed that, and then they ended up actually deleting it off Facebook, or sorry, off Twitter. But the group, from my understanding, is still taking place. They’re just starting to post a little less or they’ll put their posts private.


Oh, this is what I was going to say. Actually, the Get Real movement, they just put their Twitter on private too. I don’t know how long ago this happened probably a few weeks ago, but they’re now no longer public, but they’re still presenting in all of these schools. For last week, it was Bullying Awareness week. So this is another opportunity to push anti-racism, push anti transphobia, whatever in schools. So they were, I know of at least five presentations that they gave that week, and there’s probably many more. It’s kind of whether a teacher posts about it or not is I don’t know.

Dr. Ann (39:59):

But now it’s all secret. Everything is a secret and kept secret from parents, which is just,

Chanel Pfahl (40:07):

Yeah, I don’t know if they informed parents. I would be surprised if they did,

Dr. Ann (40:10):

If they told parents, well, not the gay street with the Get Real movement, they notified in our region. They did send a notice home with the children on the Friday night, and it was happening Monday, and so there was no time for any kind of questioning, what is this about? And how many of those notices even ended up out of the backpack and given to the parent, and unless the parent’s kind of going through it with the child and stuff, and then the child’s just thrown into this again, and it’s just continuous. Okay, the next slide, let’s go to it because I think this is really interesting. It says normalizing asking pronouns. So, normalize asking for pronouns. So, what’s that about? Are children supposed to go and ask each other what their pronoun is?

Chanel Pfahl (41:15):

Yeah. I believe this was in A GSA club too. So, the kids made this poster and then they posted, I don’t know if you could see on the hearts there, they have different categories. They have polysexual, whatever that means. But from a binary, aromantic, gender queer, all of these things that they obviously got from school, I would imagine. Normalize asking for pronouns. So yeah, they want children to, as a sign of respect, share their own pronouns and ask other people pronouns instead of giving what their eyes tell them.

Dr. Ann (41:51):

And it’s like, this is really forcing the other children and the teachers to affirm. And I just about two months ago, published the Ultimate Deception, which is the danger and the truth of gender affirming care and the real science behind affirmation only care. And it’s pretty scary because there is no real science and there’s no longitudinal studies that this is good for children. In fact, everything points to just the opposite. And yet here we are, the school normalizing this kind of stuff and accepting this as normal behavior. Wow. It’s pretty scary. It isn’t just the schools themselves though. If you go to the next slide, workplace indoctrination day at the York Region District School Board. I want to say something before you jump in here, because the workplace indoctrination isn’t just at the school board. A young teen, so 15-year-old girl, we were out shopping together. She’s not related, but I kind of likes spending time with this young woman, and she is taking her lifeguard instructors, and this stuff is part of the lifeguard instruction that she has workplace indoctrination, they have to adhere to all this stuff. They have to know all this stuff. And there’s a young Catholic girl, and so she’s pretty sick of it too. But tell me about this.

Chanel Pfahl (43:33):

Yeah, this was sent to me by a York teacher who had to sit through this whole thing. It was a half day of a video, I think it was a 45 minute video, but they stopped it throughout so that the teachers could answer questions. It was all about, if I remember correctly, whiteness. So, they defined whiteness not as being white, but as the ideology of maintaining and upholding white supremacy or something like that. So, they blur everything. Then they talk about, oh, what are the psychological barriers to not jumping in on this ideology? Basically, what could prevent someone from wanting to label everything white supremacy and whiteness and joining us and fighting racism and all this stuff.

Dr. Ann (44:28):

So, what this means then, if you aren’t joining them and jumping onto the bandwagon that you are psychologically impaired.

Chanel Pfahl (44:37):

Yeah, exactly. You just need help to. We need to figure out what is blocking you. Is it because you’re scared that you’re going to lose your power and status? Is it because you are unable to get away from the racist ideology of colorblindness, that nasty ideology where you treat everyone the same regardless of the race? That’s racism now, and that’s actually written in it. I’m not even joking, and

Dr. Ann (45:06):

I wasn’t realizing that this particular indoctrination was on critical race because it’s not clear you can’t read the writing in this one. So we might talk about this a little bit more when we do critical race theory, but workplace indoctrination, I’ve had a couple things from other teachers at the beginning of this school year on their PD days and the whole day being given over to an LGBTQ, understanding they have to deeper learning, deeper just everything. And so frustrated because they’re not actually helping the teachers help the children learn. It’s all about this. So, there’s two more slides that I’m going to show. This is celebrate you. This is not just a banner. It’s a beautiful painting, isn’t it? Look at this. I mean very colorful and all the flags, my goodness. And people. So, it’s really inclusive.

Chanel Pfahl (46:20):

Does it feel like it’s an actual, it’s factual, right? Look at all these groups that exist. They’re real, and it’s like little do they know, some kid probably created the fly, put it on Tumblr, called it something, and then it just snowballed from there. It’s like there’s actually zero base from it. There are two sexes, male and female. There are infinite possibilities for personality traits. As billboard Chris says, everyone has a unique personality. It doesn’t make you another sex. It doesn’t make you another gender thing. Exactly. This is what we’re putting into kids’ minds every day when they walk through the school hallway, celebrate you. It’s all about you. It’s about your narcissistic self-image and what group you belong to, and you better pick one that’s going to give you the highest marginalized status so that then your voice is more important than someone else’s. Oh, by the way, have you ever seen the pages where they’re full of sexuality flags and they’re all colorful, colorful and yay bisexuality, pink, blue, whatever. And then you have the straight flag and it’s black and white and the most basic thing that no kid would ever want to identify with.

Dr. Ann (47:47):

I mean, yeah, talk about manipulation. Okay, so I’m ending with the last slide. That is my very, I’m going to say favorite in the sense that this one really, really is annoying to me. This is as a Christian believer, and for Muslims, the same thing here. Now, we are enacting God, God, the original they/them. So, our understanding of God is the Trinity from a Christian perspective, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And now we have the LGBTQ identifying God as they them. And I looked at that and I thought, if this isn’t a sacrilege, it is so wrong, but who’s standing up against it? Who is really starting to wake up as standing up? And I think there are some people that are starting to wake up, and you have been instrumental in waking up a whole lot of young people, because I’m twice your age. And so, I’m always looking out for younger people who are awake and who really understand what’s going on. So, I have been so thrilled to have you with me today, Chanel, any last comments on this whole indoctrination in the schools?

Chanel Pfahl (49:24):

Well, you have to understand that it is everywhere. There’s no getting away from it. Don’t where kid comes home with something and then you’re going to act. Trust me, it’s already there, and if you need help finding it, then you can reach me on Twitter and maybe I can help you out. Because some people just aren’t going to do anything until they see a concrete example. But I hope that that won’t be the case for, you can find also in the board documents, this is just board policy. All the school boards right now, for example, if a child changes their gender and pronouns, they’re not going to tell the parents. And Steven Leche didn’t say something about that. He said he thinks that parents should be aware, but then he never followed through and there hasn’t been any policy change. So, I think parents saw that comment from Steven Leche and felt hopeful and okay, now we don’t have to worry.

Dr. Ann (50:21):

That’s what happens at the time. We think, oh, we won. No, you didn’t. You may have advanced a little, you may have pushed back a little, but you can’t let down your guard. You can’t give up. You cannot just turn your back and say, okay, that was good. We had success because it’s so much deeper than that. And we’re going to talk about that. Again, thank you for joining me.


Chanel Pfahl…being labeled. Just stick to it. You are a good person. You’re not hateful for opposing this indoctrination. A lot of gay people agree, even transsexuals agree some of it. So, you’re not crazy. And this is really, it’s important to oppose it. So, thank you very much. Oh, you’re very welcome. And I really believe that. I’ve said this many times, that many of these young women, particularly who are transitioning, get into their late twenties and thirties and go, oh my goodness, what have I done to myself? And I think I can’t live with that. I cannot speak out. Right? That’s probably not right, but I have to speak truth because this is one of the most damaging things that I’ve ever seen happening to children. So, thank you again and we’ll come back and talk about critical race theory. Perfect. Thank you.


Thank you everyone. I hope you enjoyed today’s broadcast on LGBTQ Indoctrinations in our public schools. If there is anyone that knows what’s going on in the public schools, it’s Chanel, Pfahl and I thank you Chanel for being with us. Thank you that you were able to contribute so much and have actual access to some of the things most parents aren’t aware of and many grandparents are just learning of now. So, you can go back and rewatch this video many times so that you get all the information you’re going to need. Check out my website, www.restoringthemosaic.ca, and would you please consider donating to this project and others that I’m embarking on? Thanks again. Have a great week.

Narrator (52:55):

You’ve been listening to Truth Talks with Dr. Ann. Thank you so much for joining us today. You can find Anne’s books, blog, and sign up for the newsletter by going to RestoringTheMosaic.ca.

Restoring the Mosaic seeks to strengthen Canadian national unity by educating and informing policy-makers, legislators, and educational leaders with clinical research that will assist them to establish programs and policies that allow individuals with crises in identity to recover wholeness.

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