News Items of Note
June 12, 2024

June 12th, 2024

News Items of Note

I had no intention of sending off another newsletter this week, but I wish to keep you apprised of some very important news items.

Doctors Protecting Children Declaration

A professional group I have been associated with for the past five years has produced an essential declaration to protect children. Over 500 medical doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists and mental health professionals signed this declaration and it is getting noticed! View press conference #DoctorsProtectingChildren My friend Dr. Andre van Mol is standing to the left of the podium. Elon Musk reposted information on the Declaration and had 28 million views in one day.

I have included excerpts herein,

Therefore, given the recent research and the revelations of the harmful approach advocated by WPATH and its followers in the United States, we, the undersigned, call upon the medical professional organizations of the United States… immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex.

these organizations should recommend comprehensive evaluations and therapies aimed at identifying and addressing underlying psychological co-morbidities and neurodiversity that often predispose to and accompany gender dysphoria.

We affirm:

Sex is a dimorphic, innate trait defined in relation to an organism’s biological role in reproduction… This genetic signature is present in every nucleated somatic cell in the body and is not altered by drugs or surgical interventions.

Gender ideology… leads to the inaccurate view that children can be born in the wrong body… seeks to affirm thoughts, feelings and beliefs, with puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries that harm healthy bodies, rather than affirm biological reality.

Medical decision making should not be based upon an individual’s thoughts and feelings, as in “gender identity” or “gender expression”, but rather should be based upon an individual’s biological sex.

We recognize:

Desistance is the norm without affirmation.1,2,3,4

Responsible informed consent is not possible in light of extremely limited long-term follow-up studies of interventions, and the immature, often impulsive, nature of the adolescent brain.5

The following points are from Cass’s final report6, which I referred to in a previous newsletter:

Social transition

The systematic review showed no clear evidence that social transition in childhood has any positive or negative mental health outcomes, and relatively weak evidence for any effect in adolescence.

Puberty blockers

The systematic review undertaken by the University of York found … that bone density is compromised during puberty suppression. However, no changes in gender dysphoria or body satisfaction were demonstrated.

Cross-sex hormones

The University of York carried out a systematic review of outcomes and concluded,

There is a lack of high-quality research assessing the outcomes of hormone interventions in adolescents with gender dysphoria/incongruence, and few studies that undertake long-term follow-up. No conclusions can be drawn about the effect on gender dysphoria, body satisfaction, psychosocial health, cognitive development, or fertility.

A 2024 German systematic review7 on the evidence for use of puberty blockers (PB) and cross-sex hormones (CSH) found:

There are serious long-term risks associated with the use of social transition, puberty blockers, masculinizing or feminizing hormones, and surgeries, not the least of which is potential sterility.

Puberty blockers permanently disrupt physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. Side effects listed in the Lupron package insert include emotional lability, worsening psychological illness, low bone density, impaired memory, and the rare side-effect of brain swelling.8

Evidence-based medical research now demonstrates there is little to no benefit from any or all suggested “gender affirming” interventions for adolescents experiencing Gender Dysphoria. Social “affirmation”, puberty blockers, masculinizing or feminizing hormones, and surgeries, individually or in combination, do not appear to improve long-term mental health of the adolescents, including suicide risk.9

I have provided a summary of the declaration. If you are wanting more information please consider my latest book, Ultimate Deception: The Truth of Gender Affirming Care.

In the UK And France

The UK is serious about stopping Gender Affirming Care. They have enacted an emergency ban restricting transgender-identifying children from being prescribed and supplied puberty blockers in order to fix a loophole that allowed private clinics access to these drugs.10

The French Senate last week passed a draft law to restrict puberty blockers and disallow cross-sex hormones and transgender surgery for minors.11

And Back in Canada

The Canadian government has spent over $30 million since 2019 on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives to promote LGB TQ ideology.12 DEI initiatives the departments put in place included workshops, guest speakers, research services, management consultants, seminars, and coaching, with the costs ranging from just a few hundred dollars to millions of dollars.

Government dollars to support this ideology continue to flow like a molten lava from an exploding volcano; despite research exposing DEI as counterproductive and the science behind gender affirmation to be immensely flawed.

Fueling the Fire with Queer Theory

According to Julian Adorney13 the central focus of queer theory is on rejecting the received wisdom of our ancestors. Society has certain things that we would consider “normal:”

  • monogamy,
  • having a job,
  • only two separate and distinct sexes
  • only women can have babies
  • children must be protected from sexual predators

The central aim of queer theory is to overthrow, and ultimately reverse these norms. Queer is by definition whatever is at odds with the norm, the legitimate, the dominant cultural life.14

Let’s take this a step further and pull back the curtain on Drag which queer theorists maintain is healthy for children and that ‘Drag Pedagogy’ is a playful practice of queer imagination.15 Queering is all about breaking conventional ideas and applying a ‘no rules’ decree. There are no moral absolutes and it is a land where wrong has become right; black is white; and confusion reigns. Everything is turned upside down in order to promote a queer mindset

They note that drag, a powerful manifestation of queer theory, “ultimately has no rules – its defining quality is often to break as many rules as possible!”16

These are the ideas that are constantly being promoted to our children through public education LGBTQ resources and social media sites.

One of the most common inverted dialogues is that Comprehensive sexuality education saves lives. Nothing could be further from the truth yet the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity is singularly focused on delivering comprehensive sexuality education through workshops in schools across our land. It is well worth your while to acquaint yourself with their 2SLGBTQIA affirming sex ed Not Just the Tip Toolkit17

It is advertised as a method to build your capacity to teach sex-ed in a trans and queer-affirming way.

Coming Up

One Nation Under God RALLY Saturday, June 15 – 12:00

I will be one of the speakers at this event. There will be a march following the speakers. If you are near Ottawa plan on coming; or supporting this event.


Parent’s Advisory Group Wednesday, June 19 – 5 pm

Speeches begin at 6:30. I will be speaking on The Strategic Creation of Childhood Insecure Attachment via public education.


I plan on getting away on retreat over the summer to write book seven:

Picking up the Pieces of a Lost Generation

I hope to have the manuscript completed by August. My hope is to publish this book as early as possible, but I will need to raise approximately $5,000 to publish this book. If you, or someone you know is willing to help get this published and into the hands of parents, educators and leaders, please consider donating and forwarding this letter.


Onward and Upward,



  1. Rawee P, Rosmalen JGM, Kalverdiijk L and Burke SM. Development of gender non-contentedness during adolescence and early adulthood. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2024;
  2. Diekema DS. Adolescent brain development and medical decision-making. Pediatrics. 2020; 146(s1): e20200818F
  3. deVries ALC, McGuire JK, Steensma TD, et al.  Young adult psychological outcome after puberty suppression and gender reassignment.  Pediatrics.  2014; 134(4):696-704. deVries ALC, Steensma TD, et al.  Puberty suppression in adolescents with gender identity disorder:  a prospective follow-up study.  J Sex Med.  2011; 8(8):2276-83.  DOI: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2010.01943.x
  4. Abbruzzese E, Levine SB, Mason JW.  The myth of ‘reliable research’ in pediatric gender. medicine:  A critical evaluation of the Dutch studies – and research that has followed.  J Sex & Marital Therapy.   2023; 48(6): 673-699.
  5. Diekema DS. Adolescent brain development and medical decision-making. Pediatrics. 2020; 146(s1): e20200818F
  6. Cass H. The Cass Review. April 2024.
  7. This article is in German (author is Zepf) and the link is The National Library of Medicine has the summary in English Zepf FD, Konig L, et al.  (Beyond NICE: Updated systematic review on the current evidence of using puberty blocking pharmacological agents and cross-sex-hormones in minors with gender dysphoria.)   Z Kinder Jugendpsychiatr Psychother.  2024; 52(3):167-187.
  8. Lupron Depot Prescribing Information.
  9. American College of Pediatricians. Mental Health in Adolescents with Incongruence of Gender Identity and Biological Sex. Position Statement. Feb 2024.
  10. UK enacts emergency ban on puberty blockers for all ‘trans’ minors | Human Events |
  11. A vote to prod debate – by Bernard Lane (
  13. (7) What Is Queer Theory? A Rejection of the Received Wisdom of Our Ancestors (
  14. IBID
  15. Full article: Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood (
  16. (7) What Is Queer Theory? A Rejection of the Received Wisdom of Our Ancestors (
  17. Not Just the Tip Toolkit | CCGSD (

Restoring the Mosaic seeks to strengthen Canadian national unity by educating and informing policy-makers, legislators, and educational leaders with clinical research that will assist them to establish programs and policies that allow individuals with crises in identity to recover wholeness.

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