10,000 Reasons
April 12, 2024

April 12th, 2024

10,000 Reasons

This song, 10,000 reasons, was on my heart this morning. Many of you will know it, but I’m going to share the first verse:

The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning;
It’s time to sing Your song again.
Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me,
Let me be singing when the evening comes.

“Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me Let me be singing when the evening comes.” Read those words again. May this be how we choose to live life. As I write this, I think of Corrie Ten Boom’s experience after she was arrested for sheltering Jews and sent to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, where her sister eventually died. If you’ve never read her book, The Hiding Place, I would highly recommend it. The song in her heart continues to reverberate through the ages.

What’s New in the Gender Inclusion World?

On Friday, March 29th the Biden White House declared March 31 to be Transgender Day of Visibility. Easter Sunday, 2024 became the national Transgender Day of Visibility! As I’ve stated previously… LGBTQ+++ is the New Religion and seems deemed to supplant all other religious beliefs.

Biden White House has betrayed the central tenet of Easter and deemed it an “outrageous and abhorrent” decision.1 A Republican hopeful, stated, it’s “a slap in the face to every American, whatever their faith.”2

In response, The Ruth Institute3 declared Adult Appreciation Week honoring adults who:

  • • put their own interests aside for the benefit of the common good.
  • • take responsibility for their mistakes.
  • • support their families, even by doing unpleasant jobs.
  • • tell the truth, even when inconvenient.
  • • are in command of themselves, their impulses, and their egos.
  • • wouldn’t dream of cheating others out of their justly earned awards.
  • • do not knowingly mislead children.
  • • protect the innocence of children.
  • • present children with models of self-command, truthfulness, and fair play.
  • • help children aspire to and achieve lives of responsible adulthood.
  • • face discrimination and ridicule for living up to their adult duties of protecting the weak, vulnerable, and innocent.
  • • face the loss of their jobs rather than cooperate with evil.

In short, adults who meet their responsibilities in the face of criticism, without complaint, and without needing constant attention or affirmation. Sure sounds like a great idea to me.

But let’s look at Canadian LGBTQ days of awareness for public school students and what your children are constantly exposed to:


  • Aromantic Spectrum (experience little to no sexual attraction) Awareness Week February 19-25th
  • International Transgender Day of Visibility – March 31st
  • International Asexuality Day – April 6th
  • Lesbian Visibility Day – April 26th
  • International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia (IDAHOT) – May 17th
  • Pansexual Visibility – May 24th
  • Pride Month – June
  • International Non-Binary People’s Day – July 14th
  • Bisexual Awareness Week – Week of September 23
  • Celebrate Bisexuality Day – September 23rd
  • LGBT History Month – October
  • International Lesbian Day – October 8th
  • National Coming Out Day – October 11th
  • Spirit Day (Anti-Bullying) – 3rd Thursday in October
  • International Pronouns Day – 3rd Wednesday in October
  • Asexual Awareness Week – October 23-29 (2022)
  • Intersex Awareness Day – October 26th
  • Trans Parent Day – 1st Sunday in November
  • Transgender Awareness Week – 2nd Week of November
  • Transgender Day of Remembrance – November 20th
  • Pansexual Pride Day – December 8th

Here’s some information from the University of Winnipeg that I think you might be interested in.4

Provide teachers and counsellors with clear, effectively communicated assurance of support for LGBTQ-inclusive education from every level of the school system, including school officials, school district administration and the Ministry of Education. Support for teacher-leaders who take the initiative to include LGBTQ inclusive course content is particularly important.

Provide curriculum resources from K through 12. A great many resources created by publishers, school divisions, LGBTQ advocacy groups (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network, Human Rights Campaign, Egale Canada Human Rights Trust, and Pride Education Network),.

  1. Ensure that teachers, counsellors and administrators are aware of current legislation and school district policy, and receive thorough training in it.
  2. Help students form a Gay-Straight Alliance on site.
  3. Use inclusive language that communicates that LGBTQ staff and family members are welcome and integrate them equitably into school life.
  4. Provide professional development opportunities on LGBTQ inclusive education, and especially on gender diversity and support for transitioning students.
  5. Make support for LGBTQ inclusion visible by posting and updating displays (bulletin boards, library books, themed events), resources (books, posters, flyers, pamphlets), and policies.
  6. It is equally important for teachers to process any fears and misgivings they might have, overcome the traditional isolation of teachers doing this work, and develop courage from knowing that their colleagues approve of LGBTQ-inclusive education and would support them if there were complaints.
  7. Provide clear support for LGBTQ-inclusive classroom practices, including professional development and resources.


  • 1. Ensure that student coursework has LGBTQ content integrated throughout Bachelor of Education programs.
  • 2. Provide post-baccalaureate and graduate courses on LGBTQ-inclusive education for the benefit of educators already in the system.
  • 3. Provide opportunities for faculty and field supervisors to learn and discuss how LGBTQ content can be incorporated in courses and field experiences.
  • 4. Work with ministries, school districts, and teacher organizations to ensure provincial and territorial curriculum standards include gender and sexual diversity in all grades and content areas.
  • 5. Provide leadership for local school districts and communities by publicly endorsing LGBTQ-inclusive education and new legislation.
  • 6. Develop a GSA for Education students.

The Ontario teacher’s federation provides similar recommendations. I’ve attached the Resource Toolkit,5 used by Ontario as well.

Professional Development days are often focused on continuing LGBTQ education, to the demise of much needed instruction in classical education learning and tools. Is it any wonder we hear children frustrated with the constant barrage of LGBTQ indoctrination.

Bluewater District School Board

The number of public sector workers in Ontario who earned over six figures surpassed 300,000 in 2023, and included at least 1,700 employed in Grey-Bruce.6  At the Bluewater District School Board, 549 employees were on the list, down from 568 in 2022.

Director of Education Lori Wilder earned $257,000, while Superintendents of Education Keith Lefebvre and Lauren Penner Lipsett earned $185,000, as did former Superintendent of Business Services and Treasurer Robert Cummings.

At the Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board, a total of 157 employees earned salaries of $100,000 or more, which was just one more than in 2022. Director of Education Gary O’Donnell earned $182,763. Superintendent of Education Alex Van Wieringen, and Superintendent of Business and Treasurer Alecia Lantz, earned $146,244, while Superintendent of Education Karyn Bruneel earned $146,194.

I also include here the Stats Canada chart of teacher remuneration by province.7

The billions of dollars going into public education that fuels deceitful and unhealthy sex education indoctrination is overwhelming. It’s way past time to look for alternative education.

I was talking to a young father this week who has taken a job in Northern Alberta and moved his family there, in order for his wife to remain home and teach their children. He told me that the resources for homeschooling are incredible. He said that twice a week at least 100 families meet for extra-curricular events such as hiking and swimming and no LGBTQ indoctrination.

Peer Attachment

I have recently developed a new workshop, Peer Attachment and the Effect on Children, which I will be presenting several times over the next few months, beginning in Alberta this weekend. This is an eye-opening workshop that looks at the child culture created since WWII and how it is devastating family relationships and further indicates the need to remove children from damaging influences, especially in their younger years.

I’m reminded of a scripture from I Corinthians which I sometimes quoted to my children!

Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.

I Cor. 15:33 NIV


By the time you read this, I will be in Alberta once again. I fly into Edmonton for the Provincial Christian Prayer Breakfast on April 11th where I will connect with local pastors and hope to have a meeting with Premier Smith.

From there I will go to Wetaskiwin where I will be presenting a series of workshops on Trauma, Attachment, Emotional Regulation and Peer Attachment; then I drive to Calgary on the 15 for more meetings, flying home on Tuesday.

Wonderful Resource

I had the opportunity to view the following resource at https://erf.science/. It’s incredible.

See Baby Grow app has been selected as a 2024 Webby Award winner in the “Education, Science & Reference” category:

The Webby website says the following: “Hailed as the ‘Internet’s highest honor’ by The New York Times, The Webby Awards, presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS), is the leading international awards organization honoring excellence on the Internet. IADAS, which nominates and selects The Webby Award Winners, is comprised of Internet industry experts.” The Education Resource Fund (ERF) has been honored for its See Baby Grow prenatal science app in the 2024 “Education, Science & Reference” Webby Award categories.

Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend.

Onward and Upward,










Restoring the Mosaic seeks to strengthen Canadian national unity by educating and informing policy-makers, legislators, and educational leaders with clinical research that will assist them to establish programs and policies that allow individuals with crises in identity to recover wholeness.

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